Definition of

Technical process


The milk is subjected to a technical process before reaching the consumer.

Processes are formed from a series of stages that follow each other to achieve a certain transformation. A process, therefore, implies a period of time in which certain activities are carried out.

Technical , on the other hand, is what is linked to technique . It can be a set of knowledge and norms that serves as a means to reach a goal.

A technical process , therefore, is made up of the successive steps that are carried out within the framework of a technical project . This is known as the schemes, diagrams and data that indicate how a good or service that is useful to satisfy a need can be produced or modified.

Purpose of a technical process

Technical processes contemplate various actions that are carried out sequentially to achieve a transformation of a raw material into a product or service. These may be manufacturing processes , modification processes , control processes or other types of processes, always with a very specific purpose, which can be classified into one of the following three groups:

* prepare the goods necessary to transform an input into a product that can be marketed;

* apply a series of comparisons and estimates to carry out quality control of a product, so that those who consume it have the guarantee that it will be beneficial for them and will meet the expectations that arise from the advertising associated with it;

* innovate through the modification of an article.


The organization of information in a newspaper archive or library requires a technical process.

The example of milk and document files

An example of a technical process is produced with milk . From the moment the animal is milked until the milk reaches people ready to consume, this product is subjected to various modifications. The technical process, developed industrially, includes filtering , homogenization , clarification , pasteurization and sterilization , among other steps.

In a document archive, a certain technical process is also developed to make the information accessible. Suppose that the file in question is a newspaper library that receives historical newspapers from all over the world. To organize the material, a technical process is developed that involves separating the newspapers by geographic region, then by decade, etc.

Manual technical process and automated technical process

A technical process can be carried out both manually (by one or more people, who use elements such as notebooks, pencils and portable calculators to carry out their tasks) or automated (taking advantage of the possibilities offered by computing to carry out perform a large volume of calculations in the shortest possible time and minimizing the probabilities of error ).

When the same process must be carried out by several people, it is important to have a very good organization to avoid a lack of coherence between the actions carried out by each person. The fundamental point is to determine and clearly specify the list of tasks, ordered according to the sequence that those responsible must follow .

The case of a public library

In the case of a public library that admits new books frequently, for example, the admission will likely need to follow a technical process similar to the following:

* register the book in the database indicating its basic information, such as title, author, publisher and year of publication;

* seal it to record your membership in the library;

* assign it a genre and a section, according to the internal organization , to facilitate its access by clients;

* enter it in the catalog of books available for consultation.

Knowing the list of tasks and the order in which they must be performed not only improves the performance of the people in charge of the technical process, but also speeds up the detection and correction of errors.