Definition of


ProcessorThe first meaning of the term processor that the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) mentions in its dictionary refers to what it processes . The verb process , for its part, refers to generating a process that allows something to be transformed .

In the field of computing , the idea of ​​processing is linked to developing programmed operations with data . From this definition we can understand the concept of processor that is usually used in this field: this is the name given to the functional unit of electronic equipment , such as a computer , which has the mission of searching, executing and interpreting instructions .

The processor, also known as a microprocessor , is an integrated circuit (i.e. a chip or microchip ). This element allows the execution of software , including the machine's operating system.

The task of the processor is the development of logical and arithmetic operations . It is common to refer to it as the brain of the computer , since its functioning can be considered analogous to that of the most important organ of the human being.

A few decades ago, devices that base their operation on a processor were few, mainly computers and calculators; However, today we find this component in almost all electronic devices, including refrigerators and vacuum cleaners. Of course, this does not mean that all processors are the same or even comparable, but rather that the variety is very large and depends mainly on the purpose assigned to it.

To understand the way a processor works, it is necessary to understand that from the factory it comes with a well-defined architecture , that is, with certain capabilities that it brings at the hardware level, but that it can also address processes that are not included in this group. For example, a PC processor does not come prepared to run an Android operating system, but through emulation it can do so.

We must also make a distinction between the processor known as the CPU and the GPU: the former is also known as the "main processor" in the case of a computer; The second, however, is the graphics processor. Depending on the region, GPU is used as masculine or feminine, but it always refers to the component that is dedicated to all image-related tasks, such as rendering two- and three-dimensional content for videos and games.

A word processor , on the other hand, is a computer program that, as its name suggests, is used to create, edit, and read texts . It is an essential application to carry out multiple work and academic activities, which is why it is usually present on all business and home computers.

ProcessorFor several decades, the word processor replaced the typewriter , adding options and resources. Among the most used word processors we can mention Microsoft Word and OpenOffice Writer .

With the rise and rise of smartphones and tablets, which quickly replaced laptops for most "casual" users , the popularity of traditional word processors declined in favor of new options, many of them in the cloud.

While in the past programs were purchased and installed on the local disk using a CD, today there are many that are processed on a remote computer, on a server, and therefore we can access them instantly without more than registering. For example, both Google and Outlook offer online word processors that we can take advantage of absolutely free to prepare documents of varying complexity, from any device, including a desktop PC .

A food processor , finally, is a kitchen robot . This appliance allows you to carry out several tasks related to food preparation.