Definition of



The idea of ​​procedure is used in the judicial field.

Procedure is a term that refers to the action that consists of proceeding , which means acting in a certain way. The concept, on the other hand, is linked to a method or a way of executing something.

A procedure, in this sense, consists of following certain predefined steps to carry out a task effectively. Its objective should be unique and easy to identify, although it is possible that there are various procedures that pursue the same goal, each with different structures and stages, and that offer more or less efficiency.

For example: "The procedure was a success: we managed to seize more than thirty kilograms of illegal merchandise" , "I don't know what the procedure is for requesting a salary advance" , "If you follow the usual procedure, you will have no problem complying with the task that I indicated to you .

Procedure in law and administration

In the field of law , a procedure is known as an action that is developed from a judicial procedure. In this context, respect for various norms that are established by law is assumed. Every judicial procedure is made up of various legal acts that are autonomous with respect to the process and whose purpose is to produce a legal effect.

An administrative procedure , for its part, is made up of various stages whose objective is to issue, at the end of the process, an administrative act . The public administration establishes them to guarantee citizens that the measures taken by the government will be consistent with each other, and that they will always be documented. People have the right to know this information, so that they are never surprised by measures that threaten their security or integrity.

The concept in computing

For computer science , an effective procedure is made up of steps that are repeated and that have the capacity to be decisive. This means that the same input values ​​will always produce the same output values. In the case of application testing, when a person from the quality department of a company finds an error (bug), it is necessary to find a way to reproduce it, so that the programmers can observe it as many times as necessary, determine its causes and proceed. to correct it.


A procedure, in computing, consists of instructions grouped with the same purpose.

Also called a function or routine, in computing, a procedure represents a series of instructions that are grouped together for the same purpose . A medium-complex program, a video game, and even a web page usually contain not one but several of these sets of tasks. Each function is given a name and the purpose of its existence is so that it can be used whenever it is needed, within the context in which the application allows it.

If we take the game Tetris as an example, every time a piece finishes falling, a routine is executed that checks if any line has been completed; If a positive result is given, another procedure will probably be responsible for deleting the corresponding rows, to finally continue with the game. In the applications that we use daily, it is common to find options to save , open , create a new document and close , and behind them, there is at least one function.

Gastronomy and its procedures

Putting it in terms of non-computer life, the most common example is usually the recipe for a cake.

If we compare it with a program, then each of its steps that involve a certain complexity and that must be repeated, such as stirring, beating, mixing, could be considered functions, since they have a name that identifies them and consist of at least one action. which we will do more than once throughout the process .