Definition of

First triumvirate

First triumvirateThe term triumvirate comes from the Latin word triumvirātus . The concept can be used to refer to the board of three individuals that manages or directs an organization or matter . The adjective first (or first ), meanwhile, refers to that or that which precedes the rest in position, hierarchy or time .

Throughout history , the notion of the first triumvirate was used to name different government assemblies, both formal and informal. The First Triumvirate is called, for example, the alliance that, in the Roman Empire , was established by Marcus Licinius Crassus , Gaius Julius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompey the Great between the years 60 BC and 53 BC. C.

Let's see below a brief profile of each member of the First Triumvirate of ancient Rome. Firstly we have Marcus Licinius Crassus , whose Latin name was Marcus Licinius Crassus and today he is known as Crassus the Triumvir . He was a politician, general and aristocrat of great relevance in his time, specifically in the late Republican era (the Roman Republic extended from 509 BC to 27 BC).

With respect to Gaius or Gaius Julius Caesar , we can say that he was a military man and politician who was part of the Julius Caesars , a patrician family that is recorded in Ancient Rome from the second half of the 3rd century BC. C. He, in particular, stood out for having reached the highest magistrates of the State of Rome and having dominated republican politics after having been victorious in the civil war that put him in front of the most conservative sector of the Senate.

The third member of the First Triumvirate was Gnaeus Pompey the Great , who is also known simply as Pompey or as Pompey the Triumvir or Pompey the Great . This ancient Roman general and politician was born into a wealthy family and became a nobleman on his own through his leadership in more than one campaign. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Phoenix, a prominent politician and military man of his contemporary, called him "the Great."

First triumvirateIn the year 70 BC. C., Pompey and Crassus were consuls, the highest rank for a Roman magistrate, and led the abolition of Sulla's aristocratic constitution. Pompey had gained a lot of popularity for his fight against the pirates of the Mediterranean Sea and the insurgents in Anatolia. Crassus had fought against the slave uprising under Spartacus in the Third Servile War and was very interested in ending it to recover his income from the slave trade.

Gaius Julius Caesar, for his part, was not as powerful as them, and that is why he joined the group as a reconciler. Their secret alliance came to light when the Senate blocked the Cayo Agrarian Law.

The First Triumvirate of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata , meanwhile, was a body in charge of the executive power of said region. It was in force from September 23, 1811 to October 8, 1812 .

Juan José Paso, Manuel de Sarratea y Feliciano Antonio Chiclana integraron el First Triumvirate hasta April 1812. Luego, Passed fue reemplazado por Juan Martín de Pueyrredón. El October 8 de dicho año, una revolution lo derrocó y así surgió el Second Triumvirate.

It should be noted that the United Provinces of Central America also had their First Triumvirate . In this case, he ruled between July 2 and October 4, 1823 . The National Constituent Assembly elected Juan Vicente Villacorta Díaz , Pedro Molina Mazariegos and Manuel José Arce y Fagoaga as members. The latter, not being in the region , was supplanted by Antonio Rivera Cabezas .