Definition of



The forecast of weather conditions arises from the analysis of multiple data.

Forecasting is a term that comes from the Latin praevisio and refers to the action and effect of foreseeing (conjecturing what is going to happen through the interpretation of indications or signs; seeing in advance; preparing means for future contingencies).

For example: “The press forecast was correct: the couple did not last even three months,” “I would like your forecast to come true, but I think it will be somewhat complicated,” “This year we are going to earn 100,000 pesos, if it doesn't fail.” the accountant's forecast .

Forecasting in meteorology

The concept of forecasting is similar to the idea of ​​forecasting (knowing the future through clues). Forecasts, therefore, are used in meteorology to indicate what will happen to the weather in the following days according to the conclusions of the analysis of atmospheric conditions.

This means that experts, by studying satellite images, winds, temperature and other data, can predict whether it will rain in a certain territory, have sunny days, snow, etc.: “Weather forecasts anticipate days of pure sunshine in the city of San Camilo” , “If the weather forecast is correct, tomorrow we will enjoy a spectacular day at the beach” .

Resource for the organization

Foresight can become a valuable resource for organizing our lives, since it can be applied in any context and helps us face problems that can have serious consequences if we are not prepared to deal with them adequately. This concept is usually applied to the economic level, since money is the basis of our survival in today's society, but it is perfectly practicable even in emotional matters.

Since our nature prevents us from knowing all the events that take place in the world and even around us, it is always advisable to have an active attitude towards life, try to learn from our successes and failures, and fight to arm ourselves against the unforeseen events to prevent them from ruining what we have built in the blink of an eye .


Making an income forecast is key to making economic decisions.

Foresight as anticipation

According to the RAE, one of the meanings of the noun forecast is to have what is necessary to be able to resolve needs that we can foresee ; This refers to those situations that we can anticipate, no matter how much we sometimes like to complain about our bad luck so as not to take care of our responsibilities.

To talk about forecasting, the future and an action that could alter it in one way or another must be taken into account. For example, changing jobs is a decision that can become a leap to a better financial situation, but also a mistake that leaves us without income after a month. It is not possible to know with certainty the results that each of our decisions will have, but that does not mean that we should avoid changes; On the contrary, we have to move forward and try, but without forgetting to prepare a strategy in case our plans do not go as we expect.

a guess

A forecast can also be a guess about a certain event. In the days before the Oscar Awards , specialized journalists make their predictions about who the winners will be ( "John Volskty's prediction indicates that the French filmmaker's work will win the Best Film award." ).

It is important to clarify that the term forecast should not be understood as a synonym for hunch, although the latter is part of the former, since to predict an event it is necessary to base it on prior knowledge and analyze a series of variables to find the potential result. through reasoning , as opposed to feeling that something will happen without knowing why. In other words, foresight comes from meticulous study while hunch escapes reason.