Definition of



A suitor is someone who aspires to establish a sentimental or romantic bond with another person.

A suitor is someone who wants something . The action of intending, on the other hand, consists of desiring, longing for or wanting something .

The most common use of the concept of suitor refers to the person who wishes to become the romantic partner of another individual. For example: “When I was young, I had many suitors,” “Juan was my suitor for five years until I agreed to go out with him: finally, we got married,” “I'm worried: my daughter is 30 years old and no suitor in sight.” .

sentimental suitor

The man who aspires to become a woman 's boyfriend or husband is usually described as a suitor, therefore. Within the framework of this claim, the subject will try to conquer his beloved, whether with a gallant attitude, invitations to go out, gifts, etc.

The notion of suitor can also be applied in a similar sense in homosexual relationships (a man can romantically pursue another, just as one woman can romantically pursue another).

Tips to achieve the conquest

In both heterosexual and homosexual relationships, it is not easy to meet the expectations of others and, although in the best of cases it should be enough to be yourself , the reality is very different: human beings feel more comfortable following pre-established paths. than opening ourselves completely and discovering our own essence. Therefore, we will review some tips that can help maintain relationships during the early stages, to ensure that they flourish and become strong and lasting bonds .

First is honesty . They say that the basis of every relationship is good communication and for this it is necessary to avoid lies and secrets that could harm the other. Sometimes we are afraid to share our past for fear of not being accepted , but if we plan to spend the rest of our lives with another person, we must take that step to discover if we are really next to the right candidate for us.

This goes hand in hand with trust , which is the second fundamental point for every suitor. When starting a serious relationship we make many bets: we share our home, our money, we involve our families; Although it is prudent to move forward step by step, there comes a time when we must tear down all the walls and allow others access to our entire world. Likewise, it is important to inspire that trust so that openness is mutual.

Another piece of advice for any suitor who wants to see their relationship grow is not to underestimate the importance of dialogue . For some couples, long, deep conversations are an everyday element of their relationship, but there are often barriers that prevent a healthy exchange of information and experiences. It is through everyday talks that the rough edges are polished and the bond is gradually strengthened; When this is missing, a day may come in which we believe we do not know the other.

Finally, if we intend to share life with another person, we must learn to adapt to their needs and tastes, without this meaning leaving aside our own . This point is perhaps the most difficult to reach, the greatest challenge in interpersonal relationships , and that is why we must keep it in mind from day one.


One who longs to get a job can be mentioned as a suitor.

Other uses of the term suitor

Suitor, on the other hand, can be someone who has the will to occupy a certain position or have a position : “The versions indicate that there are three suitors who want to access the technical direction of the team,” “The governor and the former Minister of Economy "They are two of the suitors who aspire to become president."

History experts, finally, use the idea of ​​a claimant to the throne to name the subject who claims to have the right to access a certain throne, which is occupied by another person or directly abolished. Alfonso Carlos I , to cite one case, was a Carlist claimant to the Spanish throne between 1931 and 1936 .