Definition of

blood pressure


Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood on the walls of vessels.

Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood on the walls of vessels . The notion is associated with blood pressure and venous pressure and is considered one of the most important vital signs.

The origin of the term pressure takes us to the Latin pressĭo . The concept refers to the action and effect of compressing or squeezing; coercion or imposition applied to a person; or the physical magnitude that indicates the force exerted by a body on a surface.

Sanguine , on the other hand, is that belonging to or relating to blood (the red liquid that circulates through the veins, arteries and capillaries of humans and animals to distribute oxygen and nutrients to cells). This word, sanguine, we can determine that it also comes from Latin. More specifically, it emanates from sanguineus , which can be translated as "blood" , and which is made up of two perfectly delimited parts: sanguis , which is synonymous with "blood" , and the suffix -eo , which indicates belonging or relationship.

Blood pressure measurement

Blood pressure is measured by millimeters of mercury , that is, by mmHg . In this sense, we can also determine that the normal values ​​that an adult should have are between 80 and 120 mmHg.

In addition, we would have to establish that blood pressure depends, among other factors, on three essential elements: cardiac output ; the level of elasticity that the vascular wall may have; and muscle tone (that is, the tension that the blood vessels have from an active point of view).


Reducing salt consumption helps keep blood pressure under control.

Classification according to type

Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood when it circulates through the arteries . The expression, however, is usually used in reference to blood pressure in general. Blood pressure can be divided into systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure .

It is important to be clear that it is necessary to keep blood pressure under control because if it is outside the limits established as normal, serious consequences can occur for the person in question. Specifically, this can range from heart attacks to even cardiovascular accidents.

Hence, professionals in the medical branch agree in emphasizing that to have adequate blood pressure it is necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet, reduce salt consumption, reduce the intake of sausages and pre-cooked products, exercise periodically or drink more than a liter of water daily.

Venous pressure, on the other hand, indicates the force exerted by blood when circulating through the veins . The pressure of blood over the superior vena cava is known as central venous pressure .

It is important to note that blood pressure varies depending on the part of the body. Inside the aorta, which receives blood constantly pumped by the heart , an average pressure of 100mm Hg is recorded, while at the end of the vena cava it decreases to almost 0 .