Definition of



Pressure can be coercion or imposition.

Pressure is a term originating from the Latin word pressio that refers to the act and result of compressing or squeezing (that is, pressing something against the body , squeezing, adjusting, crowding). It can be, therefore, the force that is applied to a certain thing.

For example: “That lid fits under pressure, while the other one works by screwing” , “If the wood continues to press against the door, it will end up breaking” , “I'm going to apply more pressure so other stuffed animals can fit into the box” .

Pressure as a physical quantity

Pressure, on the other hand, is a physical quantity that allows us to express the force that a body exerts on a unit surface. In the International System , this magnitude is measured in a unit known as a pascal ( Pa ), which is equivalent to the total force of one newton on one square meter.

It should be noted that the pressure that air exerts at any point in the atmosphere is known as atmospheric pressure . If the air is cold, the pressure increases, while if the air is hot, the pressure decreases.

On the other hand, the pressure defined as arterial (also identified as tension ) aims to account for the pressure exerted by the bloodstream against the wall of the arteries . In a strict sense, the concept of blood pressure is defined as the force exerted by the blood flow in movement, while tension refers to the way in which the arteries react to said pressure.


Blood pressure is the pressure that the bloodstream exerts against the wall of the arteries.

an imposition

Pressure, understood in other contexts, can also refer to coercion, imposition or pressure directed at a person or a group , without involving the use of physical force: “The player said that he will not tolerate the pressure of the team at the time. to define his participation in the tournament” , “The pressure from the president worked and the deputy agreed to run as a candidate” , “The businessman said he was tired of political pressures” .

During the childhood of human beings, pressure is usually an element that overshadows their first experiences, coloring them with unfair demands and reproaches . Each culture establishes a series of norms and expectations that it strongly directs on children. As expected, these objectives to be met by children have a version for each of the two genders accepted as normal, leaving aside homosexuals and transsexuals.

Taking Spanish-speaking countries as a reference, although mainly those with Catholicism as their national religion, men receive the inevitable burden of being attracted to football and cars, of getting a girlfriend before their sexuality is called into question, of marry and procreate, to finally work outside and ignore the upbringing of their own descendants.

Girls, on the other hand, are inundated with toy dolls and baby strollers, with accessories that don't stray far from the realm of hairbrushes and tea and kitchen sets. Thus, before learning to write their own name, they already develop the desire to be mothers and housewives, which provides their parents with the sad assurance that their daughter will not want to fly very far from the nest, either physically or mentally . These pressures take various forms in other parts of the world, especially according to the dominant religion , but there does not seem to be a place where growing and developing is a pleasant and spontaneous process.

Pressure in the academic field

With respect to the academic field, one of the great contradictions of human beings occurs: fathers and mothers who have not completed their basic studies demand that their children be the best in their class and that they pursue a university degree . They tend to place obtaining a degree at the same level as decency, success, and the correct use of mental faculties...

Simply put, they describe themselves as people who have made the wrong decisions . In many cases, these are families with a good economic background, which was achieved without higher education, which reinforces the invalidity of their demands.