Definition of



A presentation can consist of the display of data or content.

From the Latin praesentatio , presentation is the action and effect of presenting or presenting (making a manifestation of something or giving it to someone, proposing, introducing someone or something). For example: “Two hundred journalists attended the presentation of the new iPhone, which included the participation of Steve Jobs,” “This afternoon I have a company presentation in a downtown hotel,” “After the required presentation, the coach and the “new reinforcement of the team began to talk about shared objectives.”

It can be stated that presentation is a process that allows the content of a topic to be displayed before an audience. It is about offering information or making it public through speech, texts, images, videos, audio recordings or multimedia components.

How to develop a good presentation

For many professionals, making a public presentation represents a great challenge; Although it is essential to have speaking skills, there are various tips that can help anyone achieve better results when facing a presentation:

* standing : whenever the characteristics of the room allow it, a presenter who remains standing from beginning to end inspires more confidence in his audience, shows them that the topic is so important that he is willing to invest all his energy in it . Furthermore, given the freedom to move around the stage, it is possible to react more effectively to the audience's response, as well as reduce the chances of boredom;

* eye contact with the audience : although many professionals recommend fixing your eyes on a distant point to avoid distractions, there is nothing more satisfying for the audience than feeling part of an event. When the presenter takes the courtesy of establishing eye contact with several of his listeners, he conveys his respect for them, makes them understand that the presentation is directed at them and that it is not a simple repetition of previously memorized data;

* know the content in depth : prior to presenting a topic, it is essential to immerse yourself in it, to be able to defend it without having to study a speech . Regardless of the affinity one naturally feels for the content, one must convince oneself of its validity and importance in order to then convey it to the public. Additionally, it is always good to be prepared for potential spontaneous questions, the answers to which are generally not found in the script ;

* Send clear messages : When looking to show a product or service to an audience for the first time, it is important to focus on the fundamental points and leave the details for future presentations. Excess information is counterproductive, since it confuses the public, which can result in a failure that is very difficult to reverse;

* use anecdotes : without resorting to humor, the narration of everyday stories can be very useful to momentarily break with technicalities and attract the audience, presenting them with more familiar terrain. For example, if you are trying to describe the revolutionary interface of a computer program , it is friendlier to start by saying "I always wondered if there was a possibility of making our system more user-friendly" than simply detailing its features.


A presentation can be addressed to a single recipient or to a mass audience.

Other meanings of the concept

Presentation is also the exterior appearance or facade of something : “The professor congratulated me on the content of the work , although he told me that the presentation was poor,” “The food is exquisite and the presentation of the dishes looks like a work of art.” , “The presentation of the chocolates includes a hand-painted wooden box.”

In the field of medicine , presentation is the pharmaceutical form of medicines. Syrup, capsule, injection and drops are some of the existing presentations: “I recommend taking Biclozón in any of its presentations: syrup or pills.”