Definition of

To advocate

Advocate election campaign

In election campaigns, candidates often advocate different measures

The verb "preconize" comes from the late Latin word " praeconizāre ." According to the first meaning mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), the term refers to publicly expressing praise for a person or something .


To advocate, therefore, implies to exalt or praise . Whoever advocates, communicates his support for someone or for a provision, a project, an idea, etc., considering it appropriate or beneficial for a purpose.

Let us take the case of an activist who advocates peace . This person participates in anti-war marches, protests in front of state offices in countries with warlike policies, and goes to the media to denounce the humanitarian tragedies caused by armed conflicts around the world. As can be seen, in his case, advocating peace involves promoting and spreading a non-violent culture.

In context

For example: “The candidate dedicated himself to advocating lower taxes throughout the campaign , “I don't care what others want to advocate, for my part I know that our organization works exclusively to help those most in need” , “Several actresses confirmed that they will participate in the march to advocate legal, safe and free abortion in all hospitals in the country” .

In these three sentences, we can understand the character of recommendation or admiration that the term advocate allows us to express towards a measure or a decision. Let's start with the first one, in which a political candidate spends a large part of his electoral campaign supporting the idea of ​​reducing taxes, something that surely has pleased his supporters.

In the second sentence, the speaker is determined to help those who need it most, regardless of what other organizations think. He advocates this task, noble as they come, independently of what others defend. Finally, we come to one of the most debated and controversial topics in recent decades: abortion. The speaker points out that various actresses will speak out in favor of its legalization and making it free, so that it becomes a procedure that does not put any woman at risk .

Bishop praised

The RAE also indicates that, in the field of religion , the action of preconizing is carried out by the pope when he appoints a new bishop. On the other hand, preconizing means notifying the Roman consistory of the virtues and endorsements of the person presented by a monarch for a prelacy. With respect to the term consistory , we can understand it as a governing body that existed in the Roman Empire, dedicated to the debate of the relevant issues of the moment and to providing assistance to the Emperor to act accordingly.

To advocate bishop

The preconized bishop is the one proposed by the pope

In the Catholic religion, on the other hand, this same name is given to the meeting of the Sacred College (which includes the cardinals ) that the Pope calls to collaborate with the governmental administration of the Church. Returning to the concept of preconizing in the framework of religion, the Pope has the power to name a bishop even if he has not yet ascended to government or has not been ordained; in a case like this, it is said that the bishop is preconized by the Pope .

Broadly speaking, we can say that bishops must govern and care for local churches , which are organized territorially as dioceses. Each of these is usually structured around a city, in which there is a cathedral presided over by the bishop himself and also the place where he performs liturgical ceremonies, among other activities that correspond to his position.