Definition of


Emilia Pardo Bazan, illustrious

Emilia Pardo Bazán, an illustrious writer who raised the image of women in the literary scene

With its etymological root in the Latin word praeclārus , preclear is an adjective that is often used to describe someone who is admirable for his intellectual faculties . The preclear individual is distinguished and reputed .

Some examples

Let's look at the term in context: “My grandmother was an illustrious woman who, a century ago, contributed to the progress of this town” , “To move forward we need more illustrious patriots, like those who fought for the independence of this nation” , “The illustrious Spanish philosopher announced that he will offer a free seminar at the local library” .

As we can see, the three example sentences speak of illustrious, famous, outstanding people , who may or may not have achieved fame and notoriety for their actions but who were undoubtedly visionaries , whose time on earth was not in vain. Let's start by analyzing the first one, where the speaker speaks of the footprints that his grandmother left in his town; it is evident that due to her ideas, surely ahead of her time, she collaborated in an undeniable way with the development of all the inhabitants, marking a milestone in the history of the region.

Next, we will talk about those people who gave themselves body and soul to their country in a way that inspires admiration in those who remember them . Thanks to their tireless work, which in most cases included putting their own lives at risk, the nation of the sender managed to become independent. However, this process is not instantaneous, and that is why he wishes that today there were more individuals with these characteristics to continue growing as a country.

The third sentence presents us with the announcement of a seminar that will be given by a Spanish philosopher whom the speaker considers to be brilliant, surely because his ideas and career are impeccable . This adjective is not given to just anyone, but only to those who manage to stand out through a life of great effort, dedication and transparency.

Distinguished people in history

The writer Emilia Pardo Bazán was undoubtedly an outstanding woman, whose legacy is fundamental to the history of Spanish literature. From a young age she felt the need to write, driven by her undeniable passion for letters. In fact, she wrote her first poem at the age of eight and seven years later she published her first story. It did not take long for her to become a true reference for her contemporaries. It should be noted that she was the first woman to have worked in newspapers and magazines.

Albert Einstein ( 18791955 ) was arguably a brilliant scientist . With his theory of general relativity , he changed humanity's understanding of how gravity works and promoted the broad development of science. For his contributions to physics, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921 and also gained notoriety for his fight for pacifism.

Elizabeth Bishop is one of the most important authors of lesbian literature. Her skills in handling language and the intensity of her poetry indicate that she was a brilliant writer, capable of being ahead of her time and of combining structure and message in an astonishing way.

Illustrious Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, a common example of an illustrious man

The French writer Jules Verne ( 18281905 ) can also be described as a brilliant intellectual . Through his adventure novels, he anticipated the invention of spaceships, submarines and helicopters, among other machines .

Another meaning

The notion of prescient can even be used beyond a person. If a sociologist, in an essay, accurately described a social phenomenon that would only become evident several decades later, her text can be said to be a “prescient essay.” A certain building, meanwhile, can be mentioned as a “prescient example” of modern architecture due to its characteristics. In one way or another, prescient ultimately refers to something or someone worthy of note.