Definition of


Order of the Temple

In the Order of the Temple there were preceptors.

Preceptor is a term used to name the individual who is dedicated to teaching something . In ancient times, reports the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , the preceptor focused on the grammar of Latin .

In the Middle Ages we also find the existence of preceptors. Some of the most common were those who were part of religious orders , specifically as fundamental figures for maintaining their principles and norms. Thus, for example, the Order of the Temple had its preceptors, who were basically in charge not only of supporting the Church in the areas they could but also of "guiding" their brothers so that they did not falter and always maintained the pillars of this Christian military order.

The preceptor as caretaker

In some countries, the person who is responsible for the supervision and control of students in an educational center is appointed as a preceptor. In this sense, the concept is synonymous with caretaker .

For example: “I was offered a job as a preceptor at my neighborhood school,” “The preceptor challenged me because I was late to class,” “Please give this note to the preceptor of your course.”


A preceptor fulfills different functions in a school.

Your role at school

In many cases, the preceptor's task is informal since his tasks and obligations are not systematized. It can be said that the preceptor is in charge of guaranteeing the good behavior of the students within school hours but outside of classes, that is, when the teacher is not present.

The preceptors, therefore, take care of and control the students before the teacher enters the classroom , during recess or free time, and at events. They often have the power to impose sanctions on students if they do not obey them.

A preceptor, on the other hand, carries out various administrative tasks that are essential in the operation of the school. You can take attendance, manage and authorize certain permits or channel student complaints to the establishment authorities.

The preceptor, in short, is a tutor of the students and assistant to the teachers whose work allows the normal development of the educational process.

The figure of the preceptor in American universities

In many universities in the United States, the figure of the preceptor still exists, which has become a fundamental piece for the daily functioning of the institutions. And what it does is assist teachers, whether full or assistant, so that they can teach their classes in the best possible way, advising them, supporting them in any activity that is requested of them and even carrying out research work.

In some of these universities the preceptors are students, mainly volunteers and from higher education courses. However, in others they are teachers specialized in a specific subject who support the teacher's work in favor of their students' learning.

The term in the healthcare field

A clear example of the figure of the preceptor can be found within the healthcare field . Thus, young people who are working as resident doctors in a hospital have a preceptor.

This is responsible for guiding them, accompanying them, supervising them and leading them so that they can act and carry out their established functions in the best possible way.