Definition of

Language practices

Children reading

Reading is part of language practices.

The idea of ​​language practices is used in the field of education to refer to the contents and exercises linked to reading , writing and oral communication . These practices range from knowledge of the rules that make up the system known as language to the use of that code in various contexts.

Through language practices, which constitute a subject of formal education, the aim is for students to develop their linguistic skills . That is, they optimize their abilities to communicate through written and oral language.

Language practices as a school subject

The notion of language practices is currently often used to replace the term language to refer to the school subject. In this way, it is emphasized that language transcends language as a system of signs and is related to human thought, serving to satisfy material needs and participate in society.

The educational objective is for students to master the language . Thus, language practices encourage each individual to be able to organize their thoughts, express their ideas, establish social ties and defend their rights, for example.

It is important to keep in mind that language practices encompass reading , writing and orality . That is why teachers must encourage students to read different types of content and in different contexts; encourage the creation and revision of texts ; and encourage oral expression in its many varieties.

Language practices, in short, are associated with the social practices that are developed through language: reading, listening, writing and speaking. The educator should not limit himself to teaching the formal aspects of the language, but must go further and contribute to the formation of the student as a citizen .


Communication skills can be developed thanks to language practices.

The importance of language

We must not forget that language is the best tool we have at our disposal to participate in our community. And this does not end when we lie down at night, since our memories and dreams are also symbolized through language. In short, it is the key that allows us to access the different layers of stimuli that surround us, to understand them, learn from them and create new ones that come from our own creativity.

Through language practices, teachers must help their students understand that language is much more than a school subject, and even more than a set of pretty words: as mentioned in previous paragraphs, it is in reading and writing, but also speaking and listening . In other words, we ourselves are the language, since we cannot separate ourselves from it at any time and for this reason it is so important to try to master it.

How to develop language practices

One of the pillars of language practices is the use of references pertaining to life in society to support teaching about them. In this way, the student obtains from the first moment a more practical vision of the language and is genuinely interested in it as he or she finds meaning in it. We shouldn't just learn to talk to a 17th-century royal; In fact, we could live very well without this skill, but not without knowing how to relate to the people in our society, both with our peers and our superiors, in private and in formal settings.

Literature is very important to enrich the most complex corners of our communication, and that is why language practices must include reading, reading comprehension and writing .