Definition of



PPM can reflect pollution levels.

PPM is an acronym that has several uses. One of the most frequent refers to beats per minute , a unit used to measure heart rate .

In this context, the beat caused by blood in the arteries is called pulsation . Heart rate, when considering the pulses that are recorded in a certain amount of time, reveals how many contractions the heart makes .

Heart rate and BPM

A properly functioning heart pumps blood at a certain frequency ( heart rate ) and a certain pressure ( blood pressure ). That is why it is important to know a person's PPM .

In an adult, it is considered normal to register between 60 and 100 BPM at rest . The greater the physical effort, the more PPM .

The concept in music

The idea of ​​PPM also appears in the field of music to measure the rhythm of a composition . These pulsations or pulses arise by dividing time into equal parts.

The speed at the time of execution of the work is known as tempo . This speed increases simultaneously with the number of PPM . Tango , for example, has about 50 PPM , while reggae reaches 75 PPM and salsa has between 80 and 100 PPM .

But in music the concept of PPM hides a layer of complexity that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is not enough to know this value of beats per minute to have a precise idea of ​​the speed at which a work should be interpreted, since this must be related to the duration of a figure (generally, with the most important one, the one that is found in the time signature) and it is only then that we can calculate the amount of time each measure lasts.

All this also means that the same song can be performed at any speed, regardless of its genre , something that professional instrumentalists and singers often do to practice their repertoires . While good taste and tradition dictate the approximate PPM value to use for each musical genre, ultimately it is a decision that each performer can make to provide their own vision of a given piece.


The measurement of minerals in soil is usually expressed in PPM.

The PPM of a work

Let's see in an example the method we must follow to establish the beats per minute of a work when practicing it. First, we must look at the score and determine which figure we will assign that time interval to; Although it is customary to use the one that divides the measure, this is not mandatory. If we take a tango written in two quarters, that is, each measure is divided into figures equivalent to two quarter notes, we can well understand each beat as a quarter note, an eighth note (half of the quarter note), a sixteenth note, etc., according to our need. .

Sometimes music presents us with challenges when reading certain passages in which the subdivisions of beats combined with alterations in harmony and irregularities require us to isolate a small part of a work to practice it for days until we master it. It is then that we can use the PPM with complete freedom, focusing on the duration of different figures to execute the piece at different speeds until we obtain the desired result, regardless of the way in which we finally interpret it in a presentation.


In a company, PPM can be carried out with project management software.

The acronym in other areas

For computing , PPM refers to the pages per minute that a device can print. PPM varies depending on colors, image resolution, and other factors.

PPM is also used to refer to the number of units of a substance per million units of a set: parts per million . In this case, therefore, it is linked to a concentration .

Biochemistry , environmental science , pharmacology and toxicology , in this framework, resort to the notion of PPM as a measure of concentration of contaminants, pathogens or other types of substances.

Thus, the quality control of water, particles suspended in the air and radiation levels can be carried out by analyzing the PPM of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ), ozone ( O3 ) and other chemical elements, as appropriate. .

PPM , finally, can correspond to the English expression project portfolio management . In this context, the centralized administration of different initiatives is referred to.

Agile, Asana y Basecamp son algunas de los programas informáticos y metodologías que permiten desarrollar la PPM. Estas herramientas de gestión de proyectos ayudan a realizar múltiples tareas vinculadas a los procesos de negocio, la planning de la production, el pronóstico de ventas y la programación de proyectos en general.

According to specialists, PPM makes it possible to reduce the distance between the strategy and its implementation. There must be someone in charge in the company who ensures that the implementation of the processes is carried out at the indicated time and who also coordinates the necessary actions.