Definition of

body posture

Young woman sitting

Having improper body posture can cause multiple problems.

Posture , from the Latin positūra , is the position adopted by someone at a certain time or regarding some matter . In a physical sense, the concept of posture is associated with the correlation between the limbs and the trunk and the positions of the joints .

Corporeal , for its part, is that belonging to or related to the body (the set of organic systems that constitute a living being).

Body posture , therefore, is the position of the human body . Supine position, prone position, lateral decubitus and clinoposition are some of the technical names given to certain body positions.

The importance of good body posture

Since the human body can adopt an infinite number of postures, it is possible to talk about certain desired or beneficial body postures. Good body posture is considered to be one in which the body is kept upright and with the back straight, which allows for adequate oxygenation and avoids spinal and muscle problems.

The body leaning excessively forward, on the other hand, makes breathing difficult, compresses the digestive organs and can cause problems such as scoliosis or lumbago.

Keeping the back straight is also important for good body posture when the person is sitting (for example, in front of the computer monitor).

The incidence of different factors

It is also important to know that there are various types of factors that can affect a person's body posture. Thus, on the one hand, there are internal ones such as physiological and hereditary ones, which have to do with muscle tone or the length of the extremities, or emotional ones, which will make it more or less upright based on your sadness or joy.

Practicing yoga

Yoga and other disciplines contribute to the adoption of correct body posture.

On the other hand, there are external factors that determine the aforementioned position of an individual. In this case, we would have to highlight the set of tips and information you know about what the chair you sit in, the bed you sleep in, or even the size and weight of the backpack you carry should be like. his back.

Body posture and alignment

Correct body posture, in short, implies the symmetrical and proportional alignment of the body segments around the axis of gravity . In this way, the subject does not exaggerate the lumbar, dorsal or cervical curve, but rather preserves the normal physiological curves of the spine.

Not having a good body posture is important to establish that will not only bring with it discomfort or pain of varying scope but can also degenerate into more serious pathologies such as the following:

• Scoliosis. One of the most common consequences is this, which we can basically define as an S- or C-shaped deviation of the spine.

• Lordosis, which is a considerable increase in what would be the posterior curve in the spine. This translates into the fact that the individual who suffers from it will appear to be leaning backwards.

• Kyphosis, which we can establish manifests itself in the appearance of what we all know as a hump.