Definition of



A postgraduate degree is a cycle of specialization studies that can be taken after a bachelor's degree.

The first thing we are going to do before entering fully into the definition of the term postgraduate is to establish its etymological origin. In this way, we have to determine that it comes from Latin and is the result of the sum of two parts delimited in a very clear and forceful way: the prefix post -, which is equivalent to "after", and the verb graduari , which can translated as "graduate."

Postgraduate o postgraduate es el cycle of specialization studies que se cursa tras la graduación o licenciatura. Se trata de la training que sigue al título de grado, que es la titulación de educación superior que se obtiene al concluir una carrera universitaria de cuatro años.

What is a postgraduate degree?

It could be said that the postgraduate degree is the last phase of formal education and includes specialization, master's and doctoral studies . The characteristics of postgraduate degrees depend on each country or institution. There are postgraduate courses that last just one two-month period, while others can last more than a year.

There are a multitude of postgraduate courses that currently exist around the world with the clear objective that anyone can obtain the training they want, both for their personal enrichment and to be able to access a better professional present and future within the labor market.

The master's and doctorate

Within the field, for example, of master's degrees, we find that the areas of knowledge where there are more alternatives of this type for students' specialization are Law, Economics, Communication and Social Sciences or Engineering and Basic Sciences. .

In this way, anyone who decides to do a master's degree will find alternatives that will deal with issues such as negotiation, human rights, telecommunications law and information technologies, energy consulting, mathematical engineering or robotics and automation.

For its part, the offer is no less extensive when it comes to doctorates. Thus, we have to highlight the existence of a wide range of possibilities that revolve around areas such as electronics, the humanities or the digital environment, among many others.


A master's degree and a doctorate are examples of postgraduate degrees.

Research, updating and specialization through a postgraduate degree

The postgraduate degree usually encourages research activities and the updating of university content, in addition to the specialization of knowledge . These courses offer the possibility of perfecting the skills acquired during university training.

Postgraduate degrees are a tool for professional advancement . Having a postgraduate degree can have a favorable impact when applying for a hierarchical or executive position in the increasingly competitive labor market.

The postgraduate degree also allows you to transcend the general training provided by the undergraduate degree, which broadens your professional horizon. For example: a doctor can pursue a master's degree in Diabetes and specialize in said field of action. This professional, therefore, will have the necessary knowledge to excel in the treatment of this disease .

It should be noted that, although a university degree is usually an essential requirement to access postgraduate training, some institutions consider exceptions if the student demonstrates extensive experience in the professional field in question.