Definition of

Digital portfolio

The term portfolio , also mentioned as portfolio , refers to a briefcase used to store and transport documents and other papers. The concept can be used symbolically with reference to that which is used to store and move something.

This term we have to establish that it has its etymological origin in Latin. It is the result of the sum of the verb “portare”, which means “to carry”, and the noun “folium”, which can be translated as “leaf”.

Digital portfolioDigital , meanwhile, is that which exposes information through a combination of bits. Digital is often virtual , in the sense of having no physical existence beyond its appearance on a screen.

Digital, for its part, it must be established that it also derives from Latin. In its case of “digitalis”, which is equivalent to “relative to the finger” and which was formed by joining the noun “digitus”, which is synonymous with “finger”, and the suffix “-al”, which is used to indicate “ relative to”.

The idea of ​​a digital portfolio , in this framework, is used to name a collection of digital content that serves to gather and display certain aspects of an individual or an organization . This portfolio works like a presentation .

In these cases, portfolio is associated with portfolio or portfolio : a set of images of different kinds that allow the development of a volume. A digital portfolio can be used as a person's resume or to list a company's products or services.

Photographs, videos, animations and sounds can be used in a digital portfolio, to name a few possibilities. Due to its characteristics, it is ideal for sharing on the Internet , whether on a website, a social network or even by email.

In order to make a digital portfolio that adequately publicizes the experience, work or services of a professional, certain aspects must be taken into account:

-It is essential that the best selection of what you have appears in it.

-It is essential that it presents a meticulous appearance. And it will work as a letter of introduction for that person.

-In the same way, it is recommended that it not have more than 13 pages.

-You have to be very careful with the order of the elements that are going to appear in the portfolio so that you can keep the attention of those who are going to see it.

-It is very important that it be very visual and that it begins with a cover where the data of the person in question is collected, that is, their name and surname as well as their logo and even the phrase that defines their work or service they provide.

-Likewise, it must include an index.

The idea of ​​a digital portfolio also appears in the field of education . The digital portfolio is used to compile work developed by a student, thus facilitating its evaluation. It also contributes to sharing knowledge.

In some cases, digital portfolios replace traditional exams . Thus, the learning process is analyzed from these students' presentations.