Definition of

Services Portfolio


In a service portfolio, a company makes its commercial offer known.

A portfolio , from the French portefeuille , is a type of handbag used to carry documents , books and papers . The term usually refers to an accessory frequently used by office workers and other workers, although it can also be used symbolically in reference to a set of things.

Service , on the other hand, is the action and effect of serving . In the field of economics , the concept is linked to the set of activities carried out by a company to respond to customer needs. In this sense, it can be said that services are non-material goods.

A service portfolio , therefore, is a document or presentation where a company details the characteristics of its commercial offer . This type of portfolio can be addressed to potential clients, potential business partners, suppliers, etc.

Types of service portfolio

The service portfolio can be materialized in a true portfolio that the person responsible for presenting the company's offer carries with them during their visits to clients or interested parties, to always have papers with information about the company's services available.

Another possibility is for the service portfolio to be a digital presentation, such as a PowerPoint document or a web page . In this case, the notion of portfolio works symbolically.

The objective of the service portfolio, in short, is to present a firm's offer and disseminate precise information regarding it, becoming a very valuable commercial and marketing tool to increase sales.


Currently, the service portfolio is usually developed online.

Tips for its creation

As expected, before proceeding to prepare the service portfolio in the chosen format , the fundamental step is to conceive the services that we want to offer as a company, since a great design is useless without a tempting offer. Likewise, to take this initial step it is very important to know the characteristics of the market in which we want to compete, both its needs and its way of operating.

Taking all this into account, the services to be offered must be of interest to today's public , although this does not mean that they should not be presented in an innovative and eye-catching way. Many times, the secret to the success of a service is the perception that consumers have of it, and to achieve this impact, companies must carry out constant promotional work.

One of the most common trends these days is to offer discounts to customers who contract services over the Internet . These types of promotions must appear in the service portfolio, placing special emphasis on their benefits compared to the alternative.

The design of a service portfolio

Design is, without a doubt, one of the pillars of any service portfolio, regardless of the audience it is focused on. Even if it is a document for internal use, it is always recommended that it be prepared by a person with knowledge of image composition, who knows how to take advantage of shapes and colors, fonts, sizes and the arrangement of elements to make the desired impression. .

Just as in a showcase you must think about the location of each product, taking into account current offers, the season and market trends at all times, in a service portfolio you must also pay attention to the arrangement of the items. Even when there are no significant changes in the catalog from one version to another, it is likely that events have taken place outside the limits of the company that have altered the interests of the public, which is why said decision should be based both on the characteristics of services as well as those of the market .