Definition of



A portfolio is a type of handbag that allows you to carry documents, books and papers.

Portfolio is a type of handbag that is used to carry papers, documents , books and similar things. This is a commonly used accessory for office workers.

The portfolio - from the French portefeuille - is used to transport documents and other work materials. An accountant can use the portfolio to store balance sheets and financial statements, taking them from his home to his study, and from his study to the companies for which he works.

For example: "I forgot my portfolio in the car: I'm coming back now" , "Please hand me the portfolio, I have to look for an invoice" , "Tell Dr. Talafitti that I have the presentation of a very interesting project in the portfolio" .

Investment portfolio

The concept of portfolio can also be used in a symbolic sense. The set of financial assets in which a person or a company invests is known as an investment portfolio . The portfolio, therefore, includes all those assets (such as stocks, bonds, cash or term deposits) that imply capital from which a certain return is expected to be obtained.

The idea is that the investment portfolio includes assets of various types: in this way, it is possible to reduce the risk inherent to any investment . If an investor only has stock shares in his portfolio and a stock market crash occurs, he will have lost all his capital . On the other hand, if the portfolio includes stocks, cash and deposits in the bank, you will have a backup to withstand the stock market crash and you will not lose all your assets.


Executives often use portfolios.

A set of works

On the other hand, the term portfolio (or its English version, portfolio ) is used to define the set of works that artists usually present when applying for a job, or to offer their services to someone who does not know their career. . Thanks to the possibilities offered by the Internet, it is currently normal for all artists, designers and photographers, for example, to have virtual portfolios on blogs or personal portals, which considerably facilitates their presentation.

Tips for creating an effective portfolio

  • Show what makes us stand out from the rest : design companies usually look for unusual talents, fresh minds, who bring them something they have not yet found. That is why it is essential that we discover in ourselves those traits that make us stand out, that distinguish us from others on an artistic level, and look for the works that best reflect those differences.
  • Have a well-defined objective : the portfolio must implicitly carry the message "I am the person you are looking for." To do this, it is first necessary to understand what the company or person to whom we will send our application is looking for, so that we can present works in which we have solved similar problems.
  • Do not include too many works : time is money, and no employer likes to spend dozens of minutes evaluating each portfolio. On the contrary, they tend to prefer concise and direct presentations, impressive compilations of works that are different from each other and that do not allow you to let go of them until you have observed them all.
  • Describe the strengths of each work : instead of making a mere collection of isolated works, the successful portfolio is one that shows a series of works that, despite their differences, seem to be part of the same universe, explaining the reasons why. which each of them is essential.
  • Have a long version and a concise version : as mentioned in a previous point, it is not recommended that the first portfolio that is presented to an employer be very long, since this usually results in them leaving it before finishing looking at it and that they do not take us into account. However, after passing the first stage of a selection process, it is normal that we are asked for more example work, and that is when it is useful to have a much more complete portfolio prepared, which can be in digital or physical format.