Definition of


PoreThe Greek word póros , which can be translated as "conduit" , came into late Latin as porus . That is the immediate etymological antecedent of pore , a term that refers to different types of holes or very small spaces .

The notion of pore can be used to refer to the space between the molecules of a body . In the field of biology , the concept refers to the tiny opening found on the surface of plants and animals .

A pore, in this framework, is a tiny hole found in the skin of a human being. The pores are located in the epidermis (the superficial layer) and allow the elimination of sweat , among other actions necessary for the body.

It is estimated that each individual has about two million pores. These openings have a connection with the sebaceous glands , which allows the lipids produced by these structures to come out and lubricate the skin.

In healthy skin, pores are usually not visible. However, various environmental, hormonal and genetic issues can cause pores to dilate and become visible, which is often considered an aesthetic problem.

In this context, both people who have this problem and those whose pores are not evident can follow a series of tips to keep their skin clean , prevent pores from becoming clogged and thus reduce their size to a minimum. Elements that can block pores are dead skin cells , makeup residue, sweat, excessive oil, and even dust from the environment.

In hot weather, this is enhanced due to the greater volume of sweat; Something similar happens with stress and other health problems that interfere with the proper functioning of the pores. Broadly speaking, we can say that the basic action to counteract this obstruction consists of washing the skin; However, the process must be done in several well-defined steps to obtain the best results.

The fundamental trick for skin care is to wash it with hot water and neutral soap, massage it with the help of a loofah and finally rinse it with cold water so that the pores close. This last step is crucial, although many people are unaware of it or skip it for different reasons. There are products that facilitate this task, such as facial brushes, and each one has its advantages; But the most important thing is not to allow too much dirt to accumulate on the skin between one wash and another.

PoreThe use of a sponge or brush has the purpose of exfoliating the skin, that is, helping to remove dead cells and other elements that clog pores. Needless to say, this process should be done gently and in short sessions, a maximum of twice a week.

Unclogging pores can also be achieved by using steam, especially to work directly on the face. The first step is still to wash the skin well. Next, we must lean over a container of boiling water and cover our head with a towel to prevent steam from escaping. This method can be combined with the use of essential oils or calming infusions, which must be mixed with water .

Allium Puerrum , meanwhile, is a plant known as leek , leek , joint or joint garlic . It is part of the same family group as garlic and onion and is consumed in multiple ways.

Salads and soups can be prepared with the leek. It is also used in different kinds of stews . The usual thing is to use the bulb , although in some preparations the leaves and even the flowers are used.