Definition of



Setting Sun is the name given to the star when it sets.

Poniente is a term from the Latin word pones that has several uses. As an adjective, it refers to the hidden star . The setting sun , in this sense, is the state or condition of the star during sunset.

Before moving forward, it is necessary to determine its etymological origin. In this sense, we can say that it derives from the Latin pontis , which can be translated as “where the sun sets.” It is a word made up of two different parts:

  • The verb ponere , which is synonymous with “put” .
  • The suffix -nt , which means “the one who does the action.”

Poniente can also be used as a synonym for west or west . For example: “Snow can already be seen on the peaks of the west” , “To escape from the Police, the thief fled to the west and entered the jungle” , “The wealthiest families in the city live in the west of the city" .

The west wind

The wind that, in the Mediterranean Sea , comes from the west, is also called Poniente . When this wind is recorded in the coastal region, the temperature is usually moderate and there is an increase in humidity. On the other hand, upon reaching the eastern region, the West Wind experiences an effect that warms it and causes it to lose moisture. Thus, in some parts of Spain , the West causes an increase in temperature.

In the Mediterranean wind rose , the West is on the left, in a position exactly opposite to the East . It should be remembered that the compass rose is a graphic that divides the horizon and is used both in navigation and in the representation of the winds.

Cardinal points

Poniente can be used as a synonym for west.

A fictional continent

We must not forget either that Westeros is the name of one of the three continents that take center stage in the literary fantasy novel saga “A Song of Ice and Fire” , created by author George RR Martin .

Specifically, in these works it is said that Westeros is made up of a significant number of regions, among which the Iron Islands, the Stormlands, the Crownlands, the Trident and the Dominion stand out.

In the same way, there are also emblematic cities and places on that continent, such as Antigua , which is the oldest city; Spear of the Sun , which is where House Martell is residing; and King's Landing , which is the capital city of Westeros .

Poniente as a name or denomination

Poniente , likewise, is the name of various areas of Spain . It may be a district of the city of Palma de Mallorca or different regions of Almería , Aragón and Granada .

Within the cinematographic field, we can highlight the existence of the film “Poniente” . It is a Spanish film, released in 2002 , which is directed by Chus Gutiérrez and stars actors such as José Coronado and Cuca Escribano . It tells the story of a teacher who returns to her homeland and there she discovers that the phenomenon of immigration is latent. Hence he tries to fight against neighbors who promote racism.