Definition of


geometric figure

In geometry, a polygon is a figure made up of straight lines.

In the Greek. It is in this language that we can clearly find the etymological origin of the term polygon, which we are going to analyze in depth below.

More precisely, we can determine that that origin is found in the union of two words: poli , which can be translated as "many", and gono , which is synonymous with "angle". Therefore, starting from this structure it is clear that literally a polygon is something that has many angles.

polygon in geometry

A polygon is the geometric figure of a plane that is established by straight lines . It is a flat fragment that is formed by consecutive segments without alignment, which are called sides .

There are various classifications of polygons. A simple polygon is known as one in which two of its non-consecutive edges do not intersect. In the complex polygon , however, two of its edges that are not consecutive do intersect.

Other classifications

Other types of polygons are concave (when crossed by a straight line, it can be cut in more than a couple of points), convex (when crossed by a straight line, interrupted in no more than two points), regular (its sides and angles). are equal), irregular (its sides and angles are unequal), equiangular (all its angles are equal) and equilateral (all its sides comply with the property of equality).

Regarding the shape of their sides, polygons can be rectilinear (their sides are straight segments) or curvilinear (at least one of their sides is curved). When a polygon has more than two dimensions, on the other hand, it may be called a polyhedron (in three dimensions), a polychorus (in four dimensions), or a polytope (in n dimensions).

Those polygons whose sides do not lie in the same plane, for their part, are named warped polygons .

shooting practice

A shooting range is a place that allows you to learn how to use a firearm through practice.

Polygon in urban planning

Outside of geometry , a polygon is the unit of an urban area developed on land that has been delimited to value it from the cadastral point of view; for issues linked to industrial planning or local planning; or for any other reason.

In this sense, and qualifying a little what has been stated in this last aspect, it must be emphasized that currently the term polygon is widely used in the industrial field to refer to the urban area that exists in a city or town and that is made up of a group of warehouses and facilities where various companies have their businesses located.

Thus, it is common that on the outskirts of many cities we find industrial estates where there are everything from large shopping centers to factories of various kinds, as well as car repair or even car cleaning establishments.

For all these reasons, it is important to highlight that this type of industrial estate has become the industrial and commercial heart of those population centers in which they exist since it is there where much of their economic growth takes place.

Space to practice shooting

A shooting range , finally, is a space enabled for shooting practice that has various security measures.

In this case we can establish that the aforementioned shooting ranges may be intended for the exclusive and private use of members of the army or security forces of a country or, if it is of a business nature, for the use of the same by the different people who are part of a club.