Definition of


The notion of pedometer refers to a device that allows counting the number of steps taken by the individual who wears it. The device also records the distance traveled .

Likewise, it is interesting to know the etymological origin of the term pedometer that concerns us now. Specifically, we have to establish that it derives from Greek, since it has been formed by uniting two elements of said language: the noun “podos”, which means “foot”, and the word “meter”, which is used to define the device that It is used to measure.

PedometerIt can be said that the pedometer is a step counter or a distance traveled meter . It generally has a format similar to a pocket watch , although there are also wrist pedometers.

The pocket ones stand out because they have a cheaper price, while the bracelet ones have in their favor that they turn out to be more precise when counting steps. However, we cannot ignore that there are other models that directly attach to shoes or sneakers.

Pedometers have a sensor that captures the body sway produced by each step. The user must calibrate the equipment to, starting from the average length of each of its steps, enable the deduction of distance and even speed.

In this way, the measurement is more accurate when the person determines the length of their steps with some accuracy and then maintains a constant pace when walking. The information provided by the pedometer can be useful as an indicator of physical activity .

By using a pedometer, an individual can know how much he or she walks per day. This makes it easy to set goals and set a minimum distance to travel each day.

If more and more people are resorting to using a pedometer, it is for different reasons:

-Because they want to control the amount of exercise they do per day.

-Because there are those who, due to health problems, need to do sports daily and having a pedometer helps them encourage themselves to do it.

By controlling the pedometer, the subject has the possibility of taking small actions to improve their physical condition, even without devoting much time to sports activity. Going up and down stairs or getting off before or after public transportation, for example, allows you to increase your daily steps with little effort.

In the same way, you should know that there are very complete pedometers that not only count steps but also provide more information that can be very useful to keep your health status and even the amount of exercise under control. perform.

Thus, currently you can find pedometers that also provide data related to the quality of sleep you get, the calories you lose while exercising, your heart rate, how long you have been doing sports, and the distance you have traveled. …

It should be noted that there are applications to convert the cell phone ( mobile ) into a pedometer. This type of software , to fulfill its task, uses a sensor that is integrated into the smartphone ( smartphone ).