Definition of



Pruning requires the use of scissors and other tools.

Pruning is the process and results of pruning . This task consists of eliminating certain branches of a plant or tree to ensure that its development is stronger and that its fruits yield more.

You have to go to Latin to find the etymological origin of the term. Specifically, we can say that it comes from the verb to prune and this, in turn, derives from the Latin word putare , which means precisely "to prune ."

The importance of pruning

This practice is essential in agriculture and gardening to increase the quality of crops and achieve better ornamentation. In urban planning , pruning is necessary to prevent falling branches (which can cause injuries to people and other damage) and to keep tree growth under control (preventing their development from affecting nearby buildings).

It is important to highlight that pruning must be carried out appropriately, without excesses, since otherwise it can cause serious damage to the plant in question. Poorly done pruning can rot the stems, interrupt the development of flowers and even end the life of the plant.

Basic tips

When performing pruning, it is essential that the person in charge of the task takes into account a series of basic tips, such as these:

  • Before undertaking this task, what must be done is to proceed to choose the appropriate material for it and, above all, based on the plant species that is going to be subjected to it. Thus, based on this you can choose pruning shears, long or short arm pruner, hedge trimmers or saws or chainsaws. The aforementioned pruners will be purchased taking into account the thickness of the branches to be cut.
  • It is essential that, at all times, we try to achieve a result that preserves as much as possible what is the natural shape of the tree or bush in question.
  • In the same way, you should start by eliminating the dry and dead branches, and then continue with the double ones.
  • Pruning should always be done on the bias and with a clean cut, as this will prevent tears from occurring that damage the tree or bush.
  • In the event that during pruning the plant species is damaged in some way, what should be done is to use the healing products that exist.

There are different types of pruning.

Pruning type

There are different types of pruning. Cleaning pruning is the most common and consists of removing branches that are dry. Formation pruning , on the other hand, is carried out to make the tree adopt certain particular shapes. When the tree is just one year old, crown pruning is carried out to contribute to branching.

Pruning fruit trees , on the other hand, is aimed at ensuring that the fruits are of the best possible quality. To do this, it is about preventing many small fruits from growing, instead encouraging the development of fewer but larger fruits.