Definition of



A sheet appears when a piece of paper is folded.

Pliego is a concept with several uses. It can be a paper that is folded in the middle or even the fold itself. However, the most frequent use of the concept is linked to those documents that contain the conditions of a tender, a contract or an administrative permit.

Known as specifications , therefore, are the papers that detail those clauses of a certain contract . For example: “The union rejected the specifications sent by the businessmen to begin the remodeling work on the property,” “To participate in the tender, we must purchase the specifications from the Ministry of Infrastructure,” “The specifications to exploit the deposit found Last month it was approved by Congress.”

Use of sheets

The use of specifications is frequent in relation to works developed with State money. These documents specify the way in which the project should be developed, so the contracted firm accepts these clauses when submitting to the tender in question.

The duration of the work , the materials that will be used, the location of the work and, in general, the obligations and rights of the parties involved are specified in the specifications. The violation of a document, therefore, will motivate some type of sanction since it represents a failure to comply with what was agreed.

The parts into which a specification is usually divided are the following: general conditions (the content of the project is described in broad strokes); technical specifications (with a section for the necessary equipment, materials and installations, and another for the details of the execution process); administrative clauses (the way to measure, value and pay each part of the project is determined); waste management prescriptions (what will be done with the waste).


A term sheet details the clauses of a contract.

string literature

The concept of cordel sheet is related to the loose sheet (a printed article that blind singers sold since the birth of the printing press , and which continued to exist until the 19th century) and to cordel literature (a literary genre). The name refers to the fact that the folded sheets of paper were fixed to a string or a reed for display before potential buyers.

The content of the cordel sheets aimed at a broad audience; His texts addressed history, religion or poetry, for example, and were easy to read for those people who did not have deep literary knowledge. Regarding its extension, it was related to the theme; Broadly speaking, it is possible to say that it was normally between eight and thirty-two pages.

The moderate length of the sheet of twine was reflected in its price, which was accessible to the general public , something that could not be said of the chivalric novel, opposite in both aspects. The point of dissemination of these sheets used to be fairs and some people enjoyed collecting them and then binding them and forming, in this way, the so-called songbooks .

Many agree that the aesthetic quality of the cordel sheet, if it is considered a literary genre, is not exactly its strong point, since it presented too many sensational aspects and abounded in engraved illustrations. On the other hand, its value from a social point of view was not negligible: it was an important means of dissemination of Germanic poetry, the Pre-Renaissance Ballads, adventure stories and song lyrics.

Sheet in Murcia

It should be noted that Pliego is also the name of a municipality located in the province of Murcia , in Spain . According to the latest census data, it has just under 4,000 inhabitants.

The Pliego Castle , the Paleras Castle , the Church of Santiago Apóstol and the archaeological site of La Almoloya are among the most notable sites in this municipality.