Definition of



A lawsuit is a confrontation or a fight.

A fight is a confrontation or an altercation . Its etymological origin is found in the word placitum , a Latin term that can be translated as “sentence” .

For example: “The official decided to settle the dispute with blows” , “I am not going to stop until I take the dispute to court” , “I think the dispute would be easily resolved with a talk” .

Lawsuit in the judicial field

The most common use of the notion is associated with the judicial field . Lawsuits are usually disputes that go to court for a judge to resolve the conflict between the parties involved. Once the judge makes a ruling and bases his ruling according to the law , both parties must abide by the decision: “I have already declared: I hope the lawsuit is resolved as soon as possible,” “If you do not change your attitude, the lawsuit will come to a head.” Justice and you will have to undergo an extensive process” , “My lawyer is in charge of carrying out the lawsuit against the owner of the company” .

In the judicial environment, it is possible to distinguish between civil lawsuits and criminal lawsuits according to the nature of the conflict .


The idea of ​​litigation is used in the judicial field.

a fight

The dispute, on the other hand, can be a fight that develops over private or public issues. In this sense, the confrontation may include the exchange of blows or the use of weapons .

“When the young man shouted the visiting team's goal, a fight broke out that ended with four arrests”, “My neighbor's fights with his wife can be heard throughout the building”“He is a man who is known for ending his fights with bullets.” son ejemplos de este uso.

The dispute of the Nine Valleys

A process in which the dukes of Infantado faced the nine valleys of the region called Asturias de Santillana from 1544 to 1581 , when the ruling favored the latter, is known as the Nine Valleys Lawsuit .

This lawsuit was very important for the configuration of the territory of Cantabria , since it allowed the valleys to become independent and to be constituted, in 1589 , in the province of the Nine Valleys , which gave rise, two centuries later, to that of Cantabria. .

The Cortes of Zamora

In 1274 , two types of lawsuits were established in the Cortes of Zamora , at the time when Alfonso X the Wise reigned: the foreros and those of the king . This occurred in response to a struggle of interests between the magnates of Castile and the king, given that the latter sought the unification of law. Let's see below the characteristics of each one:

  • Forero lawsuits : these took place when a solution to less complex conflicts was sought and for this reason they were the most common. For these confrontations that, depending on the point of view, could be considered less important than the rest, it was allowed to use municipal or local law, which left those who defended their traditions and regional institutions happy, since, depending on the origin of each dispute forum, the corresponding municipal jurisdiction was applied.
  • King's lawsuits : these were a very small number of very important cases, such as arson, rape and high treason. The jurisdiction applied in the king's lawsuits was the Royal Court. Their application turned them into a resource for the king to assert his supremacy and over time, non-criminal cases were included so that more disputes could be resolved in this way.

Starting in the 15th century, the king's lawsuits became known as court cases and over time they began to gain a lot of importance, especially once the concept of aleve (deception of one person against another) was expanded. Finally, in 1835, court cases were abolished to give power exclusively to the figure of the learned judge of first instance.