Definition of

High tide

High tide is the completion of the rising sea . The term also refers to the time in which the high tide itself extends.

The etymological origin of this word that concerns us now is found in Latin. Specifically, we can establish that it is the result of the union of the adjective "plenus", which means "full" or "full", and the noun "mare", which is synonymous with "sea".

High tideTo understand what high tide is, we must be clear about the notion of tide . The movement of descent and ascent that maritime waters develop periodically and alternately, caused by the attraction of the moon and the sun , is called a tide.

Due to the gravitational forces of attraction exerted by these stars on our planet , the sea level is registering changes. The process of water rising is called flow , while the reverse process (falling) is called reflux .

Each day, the flow advances until the instance of high tide or high tide is reached: that is, the maximum height of the sea waters within the framework of the tidal cycle. Then the ebb begins until low tide , which occurs when the sea registers its minimum height.

Approximately six hours pass between high tide and low tide. This means that the sea rises and falls twice a day. The difference in height that occurs between low tide and high tide is referred to as tidal range .

In addition to what is indicated, it is interesting to know that high tides occur exactly every 12 hours, 25 minutes and 10 seconds.

Those who fish in the sea, for example, take into account the tide tables . It is often said that, as the waters rise, fish move closer to the coast to find food. Conversely, when the tide goes out they move away from the coastal area. Knowing the high tide and low tide, in this context, contributes to optimizing fishing activity.

In the same way, you should know that both fishermen and those who simply want to go sailing in a boat must take into account the aforementioned high tide to avoid damage to it. What's more, this information must also be taken into consideration by bathers and, of course, those who wish to practice some type of water sport such as windsurfing or surfing, for example.

You should also know that Pleamar is precisely the name of an interesting project that exists in Europe. We are referring to the so-called Pleamar Program, whose main objective is to achieve and guarantee the sustainability of both aquaculture and fishing activities in the aforementioned old continent.

This aforementioned program was already launched in the 1960s through the Common Fisheries Policy and in recent years it has been allocated approximately 30 million euros. It integrates a wide variety of fisheries management and biodiversity conservation policies.