Definition of

Virtual platform


A virtual platform is a system that allows multiple applications to run in the same environment.

Platform is a concept with several uses. Generally it is a base that is at a certain height or something that provides support, whether physical or symbolic. The most common use of the term virtual , for its part, is linked to what exists in an apparent or simulated way, and not physically.

With these definitions clear, we can introduce ourselves to the concept of virtual platform , which is used in the field of technology . A virtual platform is a system that allows the execution of various applications under the same environment, giving users the possibility of accessing them over the Internet .

This means that, when using a virtual platform, the user does not have to be in a specific physical space, but only needs to have a connection to the Web that allows them to enter the platform in question and use its services.

Virtual platforms and education

Virtual platforms are generally used for distance education and attempt to simulate the same learning conditions that occur in a classroom. Although each platform may have different characteristics, it is common for them to allow students to interact with each other and with teachers. For this, they have various means of communication, such as chat, forums, etc.

The concept of virtual platform is widely used in distance language teaching; People from anywhere in the world can study their favorite languages ​​without having to make large financial investments, without having to leave their homes and with native teachers (one of the greatest advantages of this educational system).

Permission systems serve for the efficient management of virtual platforms. The administrator, who is usually the teacher or the person responsible for the training, can access all the information available on the platform; the students, however, do not.

Video call

Video conferencing is usually an important resource of a virtual platform.

How they are organized

Broadly speaking, virtual teaching platforms are organized as follows:

* The user must enter the institution's portal and choose the study plan that best suits their needs and possibilities. It is important to highlight that there are certain technical requirements for the platform to work; While it is rare that a student does not have the necessary amount of memory and processor speed, they may be required to have a camera or at least a microphone;

* Having chosen the desired plan, we proceed to reserve the classes. This may vary from case to case, but typically lessons are offered in packages of different amounts, with tempting discounts, and payment must be made in advance. Some institutions provide a free class or a reduced-price starter package to try out their services before making your final decision;

* The virtual platform not only offers the advantage of not having to travel to access it, but also provides great flexibility regarding lesson times. Since teachers are also not forced to leave their homes, it is possible to arrange shifts outside of business hours, even during the night, as long as both parties agree;

* Classes can take advantage of technologies such as digital whiteboards to give teachers and students the convenience of writing directly with their hands, as they would on a piece of paper. This is very useful in learning languages ​​with writing systems different from your own;

* Through image and sound capture, an environment similar to that of a traditional classroom can be created, in which students establish bonds and collaborate to improve their experience;

* After each lesson , teachers usually send their students a summary of the topics covered, so that they can review them comfortably.