Definition of



At home, plants are usually contained in pots.

A plant is an organic being that lives and grows, but without changing its location by voluntary impulse . These are plants such as trees or vegetables, which are the object of study of botany.

For example: "When I went to live alone, my mother gave me a plant to decorate the balcony" , "I'm going to buy a tomato plant to grow in the garden" , "The rain caused serious damage to the plants we had in the patio.”

At the domestic level, it is common to contain the plants in a pot or in a bed with soil. For their correct growth and subsistence, it is necessary to give them a certain frequency (which varies according to the type of plant), avoid pests, protect them from inclement weather, etc.

medicinal plants

Medicinal plants and herbs represent an important resource of nature for the care of our health , and their use dates back to prehistory. Various tribes from various countries have used its benefits to overcome diseases, as well as to break spells; It is a part of the culture of our species that has transcended time and space, depending for centuries on oral tradition to stay alive.

Over time, the use of healing plants exceeded the limits of popular culture to be adopted by science : today, it is possible to purchase various medications that have been manufactured with plant extracts, and range from creams and ointments to capsules and syrups. , serving a wide range of purposes.

Each of the dozens of medicinal plants and herbs helps combat or prevent different disorders, such as acne, indigestion, or even cancer. Broadly speaking, it is possible to contemplate three well-defined types of medicinal plants: those used to cure diseases ; those that help with weight loss; those that prevent and relieve certain symptoms.

It is important to note that a large number of these products of plant origin have not received the relevant authorization from the pharmaceutical industry, which is why they cannot be recommended by health professionals with official qualifications; Generally, its use is indicated by shamans, alchemists and healers.

Some examples

* birch leaves : help treat respiratory problems, obesity, excess cholesterol and arthritis;

* chicory : indicated to treat anemia and liver failure, in addition to improving circulation and digestion;

* wormwood : used to combat poisoning, itching, toothache, alitosis and to lose weight;

* basil : in its different presentations, this plant is used to relieve nausea, to treat nervous system problems and oral inflammations;

* cumin : recommended for rheumatism problems and used as a diuretic;

* valerian root : used since time immemorial as a relaxant, to combat insomnia and stress .


The bottom part of the foot is known as the sole.

The plan as a building design

The floor plan is also the design of a building or each of its floors: “Currently, I live in a two-story house with my parents and my siblings,” “The office is on the ground floor: on the first floor there are the warehouses” , “A fire on the upper floor of the building forced the staff to evacuate the factory” .

An industrial plant , on the other hand, is a factory where some product or service is developed: “The engineer has not yet arrived at the plant,” “The boss announced to me that they will transfer me to the San Juan plant.”

a part of the foot

Another use of the concept indicates that the sole is the bottom of the foot .

“Last night I was barefoot and I stepped on glass that hurt the sole of my foot.” y “I have calluses on my soles after walking so much.” son expresiones que apelan a esta acepción.