Definition of



An x-ray is also known as a radiographic film.

Plaque is a concept that comes from the French plaque . Although it has multiple meanings, it generally refers to some type of sheet or table that fulfills certain functions or that allows information to be displayed.

A plaque, in this sense, can be a sign that provides useful information about something or that reminds us of a fact or a personality. For example: "The municipal government installed a commemorative plaque in the writer's birthplace," "Various plaques on the corners allow you to follow the tourist route," "This building... is that of the Tax Office?" I'm going to look at the plaque at the entrance .

The insignia that certain professionals or public officials must display as accreditation of their identity and titles is also called a badge: "When the police officer showed his badge, he was shot" , "Before letting the inspectors pass, ask them to display your badge .

Plaque in the field of health

In various areas linked to health , the notion of plaque is frequently used. A radiographic plate (also called an x-ray ) is an image that is generated when a person is subjected to a certain radioactive source. Due to the different densities, certain elements are recorded in a light tone on the black plate.

Dental plaque , on the other hand, is known as the accumulation of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other organisms in the mouth of a human being.


The motherboard is a central component of a computer.

The term in computing

In computing , the motherboard or motherboard houses the circuits that interconnect the elements necessary for the operation of a computer.

"I think my PC's motherboard has burned out: I'll have to call a technician", "I need to replace my computer's motherboard"y"To build my new computer I must get a motherboard and a hard drive" son expresiones que apelan a esta noción.

How to choose a motherboard

Although many stores offer computers ready to use, experts (and the bravest) usually prefer to build their own computers by choosing each of the components, something that requires patience and a certain degree of skill but offers the best results. Although the motherboard is one of the essential elements for the operation of a computer, most users do not pay it the attention it deserves, focusing instead on the hard drive and RAM, for example. .

The characteristics of the motherboard irrevocably determine the capacity of the computer, since the type of components that we can use and the speed at which they can operate, among other things, depend on them. That said, when purchasing a motherboard, there are certain factors that must be taken into account to get the product that meets our needs:

  • The brand : a prestigious manufacturer is usually a guarantee of quality , but we must also be attentive to new companies that enter the market offering solid products at affordable prices. The brand also guarantees the degree of compatibility with the rest of the components , both from the moment of purchase and through BIOS updates.
  • The chipset : this is the element of the motherboard that is responsible for keeping the different components in communication with each other, both those that connect directly to it (the graphics card, the main memory, etc.) and the peripherals (the hard drive). , the USB ports, the DVD reader, etc.). Needless to say, the quality and characteristics of the chipset are determinants of the equipment's performance :
  • The socket or slot : it is the space in which the processor is connected. When you intend to buy the motherboard and the processor separately, it is essential to ensure compatibility between the two. It is worth mentioning that there is a wide variety of sockets and slots, and that each one can support more than one type of processor.