Definition of


ChalkboardA blackboard is an element that allows you to draw or write on its surface and then erase the lines easily. In Spain , the notion of waxing is used to refer to this type of painting.

There are different types of blackboards. Blackboards suitable for writing with chalk are usually installed in educational establishments : in this way, teachers dictate the lessons and write and erase according to their needs.

These blackboards are wooden rectangles that are painted black or dark green so that the chalk lines are easily visible. To remove marks, it is common to use an eraser made of a piece of wood with felt .

The white board , meanwhile, is used with a marker or marker . As with chalk on other blackboards, in this case the ink can be removed with an eraser or a damp cloth.

Blackboards are not only used in schools and universities. Many times they are intended for children as a hobby , so that they can have fun while drawing or learning to write. In these cases, the blackboards are not always rectangular, but can be shaped like vehicles, animals, etc.

Whiteboards are also important in companies since they allow you to share information or make reminders. In this context, it is common for there to be whiteboards in meeting rooms.

Exchanges of different kinds take place in the meeting rooms, but they all share a special importance for the organization of the company. On the one hand, there are those that focus on plans for certain events that will take place in the near future, such as the promotion of a product or the visit of a high-ranking employee from the central office. On the other hand, there are the so-called "brainstorms" or "brainstorms", where the blackboard becomes much more useful.

ChalkboardBrainstorming is understood as a type of meeting in which the members constantly contribute their own points of view regarding the development of a project, both with ideas that they have thought of beforehand and with others that arise spontaneously, such as response to those proposed by others. Having a whiteboard in a creative process of this kind is essential to centralize the main points and keep track of the shape the project is taking.

This should be complemented by note-taking by each employee to leave a broader and more accurate record, particularly because the blackboard must sooner or later be erased to make room for new ideas . In any case, in a brainstorming session it is expected that at the end of the exchange the skeleton of the most important ideas will be captured, those that have been approved by the majority or by the project leaders, so that workers can consult this information at any time. until the next meeting takes place.

Non-school education also benefits from the use of the blackboard, although it is usually smaller than the traditional one. Private teachers often have this product in their homes to create an environment of greater participation in their lessons, allowing the student to complete sentences or answer questions in the middle of an explanation, but also to present certain complex topics with a space large enough to capture a large number of concepts and relate them to each other graphically.

An interactive whiteboard , on the other hand, is a surface on which a sign is projected. In many cases these digital whiteboards are sensitive to touch , either with your fingers or with some special device.