Definition of


fish reproduction

Fish farming boosts fish reproduction.

Fish farming is the set of techniques and procedures that promote and control the reproduction of fish and other aquatic animals (such as shellfish ). It can be applied in fish tanks, ponds, rivers or other spaces that have water as the main medium.

The literal meaning of the term refers to "fish farming" , if we take into account the three Latin components that give it shape: the noun pisces , which means "fish" ; the adjective cultus , which can be translated as "cultivated" ; and the suffix – ura , which is used to indicate what the “result of an activity” is.

From fish farming to aquaculture

There is a broader concept that encompasses fish farming and other techniques: aquaculture . In this case, the word also refers to the reproduction of aquatic plants , algae and other organisms. Fish farming, on the other hand, focuses on fish and shellfish .

If this activity has experienced great growth in recent years, it is because it brings with it a significant number of advantages, among which we would highlight the following:

  • The ponds where fish are raised can be created in spaces that do not have any type of use at the agricultural or livestock level, so "useless" areas can be used.
  • No less important is that it represents a lower cost for the producer than if he had to buy fishing materials, fish them and then put them on sale.
  • Another important benefit of the activity is that the fish farmer can control his production as much as possible according to his needs and also those of the market. And this is something he couldn't do if he were fishing.
  • Nor should we forget that both the feeding of the fish and their own fattening can also be controlled and monitored.
  • In the same way, it is also a real advantage that there are no predatory species in the ponds. This means that there is no need to fear the loss or death of the fish that are "farmed."
aquatic animals

The origins of fish farming date back thousands of years.

Its origins

Its origins date back thousands of years: the ancient peoples of Rome , Egypt , Greece and China , among others, already developed these practices. Historians believe that carp was the first fish to be farmed.

Today it is possible to mention different types of fish farming according to the species of fish it is aimed at. The aforementioned carp, for example, is the protagonist of carp farming . When fish farming is aimed at saltwater species, it is called marine fish farming , while if it targets fish that live near the tropics , it is called tropical fish farming .

It should be noted that, in some cases, fish farming has practically replaced fishing in the natural environment. This happens with cod and other species.