Definition of


External parasite

Lice are external parasites.

Lice are insects that measure about two millimeters and lack wings. These animals are external parasites that feed on the blood they extract from those organisms that become their hosts.

The etymological origin of the term is found in Latin. Specifically, it derives from peduculus , which was the vulgar form of pediculus , the diminutive of pes-pedis (which can be translated as "foot" ). And at that time the louse was spoken of as an animal that was known by the name "little foot" .

What child has not had lice on their head at some point? It is a nuisance that parents try to avoid but that, in general, sooner or later appears in the lives of children who are of school age.

Lice and humans

Due to their high reproductive capacity and their ability to move from one host to another, lice can be difficult to combat. They lodge in the heads of human beings , adhering to the hair . They can also live among the fur of other mammals and in the feathers of birds .

The presence of lice on a person is known as pediculosis . There are various chemical products that seek to eliminate lice and their eggs (called nits ), so that the individual's hair is once again free of these parasites . Another common treatment is to pass a fine comb through the hair so that the lice are trapped between the bristles.


Lice can affect humans and various animals.

Homemade tricks against pediculosis

Although you can buy countless anti-lice products on the market, there are also those who resort to eliminating them from their heads using home remedies. Among the most significant tricks in this regard are these:

  • Massage your scalp with a mixture of water and garlic.
  • Apply baby oil to your hair.
  • Wash your head with a mixture made from vinegar and hot water.
  • Spread mayonnaise on your hair, let it sit for a few hours and then rinse it with water. In the end, all you have to do is pass the comb and you will discover that numerous lice and nits appear on it.
  • Applying alcohol with a smell, which causes these animals to die from poisoning.

It is important to note that pediculosis is very common and does not usually bring major complications to the individual. Generally, the only symptom is itching , caused by the presence of lice. When a person scratches, they can injure themselves, which does pose a potential risk of infection . That is why the ideal is to avoid scratching and use products specifically designed to combat lice.

Other uses of the term louse

In addition to everything stated above, we must not forget that there are other terms that also include the word louse with another meaning. So, for example, there is "resurrected louse" . This refers to that person of humble origin who, through the use of tricks and actions that are not moral or well seen, manages to ascend the social scale. A phrase that explains it is this: «Jesus is a resurrected louse. "He went from being the son of a rancher to a millionaire because of his business dealings with undesirable people."

Los Piojos , finally, is the name of a famous Argentine rock band that was active between 1988 and 2009 .