A pill is a medication designed for oral intake , which is made from the combination of an excipient with certain active ingredients. It is common for the concept to be used as equivalent to capsule , pill , tablet or tablet , always linked to the field of health . It should be noted, however, that there are differences between all of these medications in terms of their preparation and presentation.
For example: «What time is it? At four I have to take the blood pressure pill" , "It's a very annoying illness: I have to take five pills a day until I recover" , "I've already finished the second pack of pills" .
Before moving forward we will determine the etymological origin of the term. We can say that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically from pilula , which can be translated as "medicine ball" and is made up of two different parts: pila , which is synonymous with "ball" , and the suffix -ula , which is used to indicate a diminutive.
Birth control pills
By extension to these meanings, oral contraceptives ( birth control pills ) are usually simply called pills. These pills are ingested by women who do not want to get pregnant, since their components (progestogens and estrogens) can disable reproductive capacity during the period of ingestion.
What these pills do is interrupt ovulation . When having sexual relations, therefore, the woman cannot become pregnant, since she will not be able to be fertilized by the man 's sperm: "I stopped taking the pill a few months ago, since my husband and I want to have a child," "Yesterday "I forgot the pill."
The morning after pill , on the other hand, is one that is given as an emergency to prevent an unwanted pregnancy . These tablets have an effect up to five days after the sexual relationship in question has occurred.
Expressions with the term
However, we cannot ignore the existence of a series of expressions that resort to the use of the term in question. Thus, colloquially, the verbal phrase "golden the pill" is used. It is used to indicate that someone is flattering another individual to obtain some type of personal benefit.
In the same way, this same phrase is also used to show that a person is trying to soften bad news as much as possible so that the recipient of the news is not so affected.
And, of course, there is also the expression "swallowing the pill." This other, for its part, is used to record that someone has completely believed the lie that has been told to them.
We must not forget either that in some countries, colloquially, the pill is used as a synonym for mucus . A clear example of this is the phrase: "María Luisa's child kept putting his finger in his nose to get pills."