Definition of



When an animal with a stinger bites or pricks another being, it produces a sting.

A sting is the consequence of a puncture or puncture that is made with something that has a very thin point. The most common use of the concept is associated with the marks left by insects or other animals that have a sting when they attack or bite another being.

For example: "I got a bite on my leg, but I don't know what bug may have bitten me" , "My son's face is full of mosquito bites" , "The guide recommended that we bring repellent on the excursion, to avoid possible bites from spiders and other insects .

How a bite occurs

For a sting to exist, therefore, there must be a being that causes it. The stinger is a body region or organ that usually harbors venom. When stuck in the body of a person or an animal, the poison comes out through the stinger and enters the other organism. Due to the action of the sting and the reaction of the skin to the venom, a stain and swelling is produced that characterize the bites.

The characteristics of each bite depend on the animal that produces it. It is common for bites to cause itching or pruritus , sensations that make the victim want to scratch to find relief. The bite can also cause burning and, in some cases, even pain.

In the most frequent cases, the bite disappears as the days go by, also eliminating the discomfort it causes. It is possible, however, to apply some dermatological cream on the bite to contribute to its healing.


The scorpion sting can be fatal.

The most dangerous animals that sting

Below are the characteristics of some of the most dangerous stings on the planet, defined according to the species that produces it:

  • Scorpion : This animal, also known as a scorpion , is an arthropod (an invertebrate being that has an exoskeleton and articulated appendages) and is found in hot countries. It has a minimum extension of 6 cm and a maximum of 15 cm and its powerful poisonous stinger is located at the end of its tail. The scorpion sting can cause high fevers, but also induce a coma and cause death .
  • Brown recluse spider : after the well-known and feared black widow, the brown recluse is the spider that represents the greatest danger to our species. At first glance, its spine resembles the shape of a violin, although its resemblance to the beauty of said instrument ends there. It can be found mainly in the United States and its bite is so severe that it may require amputation of the affected area , as it eliminates skin cells.
  • Black widow spider : as mentioned in the previous point, no spider surpasses the black widow when it comes to putting human health at risk, although it is worth mentioning that this only happens with females. Its bite has venom 15 times more powerful than that of the rattlesnake and its fangs are capable of piercing our skin. It has a black body and a red abdomen (whose shape is reminiscent of an hourglass). It generally lives in dark places and in areas with temperate climates.
  • Sea snake : it is the most venomous snake on the planet and its bite can be lethal. To inject its venom , it bites its victim. As if this were not enough to fear approaching the sea, this species can be found in all the seas of the world.
  • Stonefish : continuing with the marine species that can kill a human being, it is time to talk about the stonefish, the most poisonous known. The spikes on its dorsal fin contain poison glands and, thanks to its rock-like appearance, it can be easily ignored and stepped on by a person. The few who manage to survive their passive attack must endure an injury for several months.