Definition of


PetuniaThe notion of petunia refers to a plant that belongs to the family group of Solanaceae . Like all the vegetables in this group, it has berries with multiple seeds, alternate and simple leaves and flowers whose corolla is bell-shaped.

In the specific case of petunias, their flowers have a funnel -like appearance and stand out for their color and fragrance. The plant, meanwhile, is also characterized by its large number of branches.

More than twenty species are part of the genus known as petunia. The height of the specimens, which are usually pollinated by insects, can reach sixty centimeters.

Several reasons make petunias highly valued plants in gardening . To the color and size of the flowers, we must add the long flowering period and the fact that they are easy to grow.

Beyond the differences between species , petunias generally have good resistance to climatic conditions. Specialists suggest monthly application of fertilizer to contribute to its growth and flowering.

As with other plants and flowers, there are several types of petunias. In this framework we must talk about Petunia hybrida , diverse species that are part of the same genus although the way in which they flower allows us to distinguish the following four groups: multiflora, miniflora, grandiflora and integrifolia .

The multiflora petunia is among the most abundant varieties because it remarkably resists heavy rains and low temperatures . It develops especially well in tropical and Mediterranean environments. Since it comes in various shades, it is ideal for interior, garden and balcony decoration work. Some of the most used colors of this petunia are red, pink, green, white and violet. It is recommended to grow it in summer or spring.

The hybrid called petunia miniflora is native to South America and is also born in various colors , among which red, violet, white and pink stand out. They are frequently used for outdoor decoration. The ideal soil for its cultivation should have a neutral pH, be clayey, not very humid and drained. Irrigation should be done ensuring that the water does not touch the flowers.

PetuniaPetunia grandiflora produces very large flowers but does not have an abundance comparable to the previous ones. It comes in fewer colors (mainly red, pink and white) but exhibits fine white lines, a feature that characterizes them in addition to their size. They grow with special success in sunny areas, in drained and humid soils. For its development to be optimal, it is recommended to remove the withered leaves and apply organic fertilizer.

The fourth and last group is the petunia integrifolia , which can measure an average of 60 centimeters wide and high. Its flowers are born in light green, violet and pink and resist low temperatures very well although they are vulnerable to strong winds. The ideal soil for its cultivation is sandy and should not be waterlogged. Its flowering occurs in autumn, spring and summer and can be grown both in gardens and in pots.

In the Harry Potter saga, on the other hand, we find a character named Petunia : Petunia Evans Dursley , Lily Potter 's older sister and maternal aunt of the wizard's apprentice. She is a Muggle (person without magical abilities) who is married to Vernon Dursley and is the mother of Dudley , Harry 's cousin.

(968) Petunia , finally, is the name of an asteroid found in a belt. The German astronomer Karl Wilhelm Reinmuth was responsible for its discovery, which took place in 1921 .