Definition of



A petition is a request or request.

From the Latin petitĭo , petition is the action of asking (requesting or demanding someone to do something). Also known as a petition is the prayer with which it is requested, the writing that makes a request and, in the field of law , the writing that is presented before a judge.

For example: “I am going to send a petition to the municipality to prune the tree at the entrance,” “Please ask for my sister's health in the Lord's Prayer petitions,” “My lawyer submitted a petition to the judge to request “more time to prepare the case.”

Petition in the legal field

In the legal framework, the petition is a right that means that every person can go to the competent authorities for some reason of collective or general interest. The concept is usually linked to the document that is presented to an authority and that is signed by many people: “The neighbors submitted a petition to the commissioner to request greater police presence in the streets,” “The governor received the petition signed by fifteen mayors and "He promised to take it into account."

In this sense we also have to explain that in Spain there is what is known as the right to petition . It is a right, included in the Constitution itself, through which any person can address the public powers to inform them of a fact or to be able to demand that they act in a certain line.

Natural or legal persons, regardless of their nationality, and even both individually and collectively, can exercise the aforementioned right. In the event that the petition itself is addressed to the Senate, it can be presented either in writing or in person at the General Registry of the aforementioned chamber.

The document must have a series of essential data and elements so that it can continue its course: identity of the applicant or applicants, address, nationality, recipient and the object itself being requested. In this way, meeting the aforementioned requirements, the petition will be analyzed by the Petitions Committee and immediately followed by the Senate to subsequently provide a response to the person exercising the right.


The marriage proposal is the act that a man performs when he asks his partner to marry him.

The advantages offered by technology

Technology currently allows requests to be generated and transmitted over the Internet . This implies that the petition does not even appear on a piece of paper with the handwritten signature of the interested parties, but is sent through an email or web form: “Yesterday I received an email inviting me to sign a petition on the Greenpeace site to protest. against whaling.”

Specifically, taking both issues into account, we can therefore establish that basically currently requests can be classified into two large groups. On the one hand, there would be those that are done in writing and on the other hand, those that are undertaken using the Internet.

Hand request

The marriage proposal , finally, is the ceremony where a man asks a woman to marry him.

Nowadays, the marriage proposal has ceased to have the character of a commercial transaction that it had in the past and has become an act of union between the families of the future spouses.