Definition of



Condolences are an expression that is pronounced to accompany someone who suffers deep sadness.

Condolences are the phrase that is pronounced to accompany a person who is suffering from pain or sadness . This speech is usually uttered when someone has lost a loved one .

For example: “My deepest condolences, madam, may the Lord be with you in this difficult ordeal,” “The governor sent her condolences to the victim's family,” “I am not interested in the condolences of the authorities: I want them to find to the guilty of the crime."

Condolence function

Typically, condolences are granted to the immediate family of a person who has just died. Your partner, your children, your parents and your siblings, therefore, will be the recipients of your condolences.

The purpose of condolences is to express to these people that oneself feels the “weight” of the death (that is, that one is also hurt and distressed by the death). It is usually offered in person , either at the funeral of the deceased, at a mass in their honor or at the home of their relatives, according to the customs of each person.


When a person dies, their family members receive condolences.

Remote support

Condolences can also be sent through a card or note . The written words will try to reflect the respect for the situation, the company offered to the family members and the affection felt for the deceased.

It is even possible to offer condolences by phone or email . The chosen modality will depend on the available possibilities and the closeness of the subject to the deceased and his or her family.

In the same way as with birthdays, although to a lesser extent, there are virtual cards with phrases suitable for the occasion, which can be completed with our data and those of the person to whom we want to express our condolences, before sending them comfortably to their address. of email. There are also many articles on the Internet that help us choose the words that best reflect our feelings, ideal for those who have not gone through this situation before.

The possibilities of offering condolences from a distance could not be greater, but this does not mean that we should "take advantage" of them . When a person loses a loved one, at least in Western cultures , they often need the presence of those who understand their pain; A hug and a "I'm sorry" can be enough to make her feel less alone. The void that death leaves for those who suffer it as a misfortune cannot be filled in any way, but company is always valued more than a nice card.

Virtual condolences are the ideal resource for those people who do not feel capable of facing the death of someone they know, but also the decision that can end many friendships. According to some health and psychological professionals, this occurs and will continue to occur until human beings prepare children to go through a situation of this type.

Condolences, death and children

Western children are generally not talked to about death , or it is mentioned when there is no other option; In any case, normal education colors the concept of death with negative connotations, as if it were an enemy of life, instead of a natural part of it.

The clumsiness with which adults usually give condolences is directly related to the forbidden and distant character that death receives during upbringing; It is as if, given the lack of training and experience on this topic, they act like fearful and shy children.

Finally, it is known as “Condolences” , a prayer that Christians say to communicate to God the regret they feel for their faults.