Definition of



The dog is a sociable animal that enjoys the company of people.

The dog is a mammal and quadruped animal that was domesticated about 10,000 years ago and currently lives with man as a pet . Its scientific name is Canis lupus familiaris .

The existence of almost eight hundred breeds makes talking about the characteristics of dogs complex. The sizes, colors and types of coat are very varied: there are dogs that can measure about 20 centimeters and weigh less than 2 kilograms (such as certain specimens of the Chihuahua breed) and others, capable of measuring about 80 centimeters and weighing almost one hundred kilograms ( the Great Dane ).

The domestication of the dog

Dogs descend from wolves . It is believed that spontaneously, due to its natural approach to man , the domestication process began. The dog is very sociable and shows a predisposition to live under the care of humans , while the latter usually enjoys its company. Thus, man began to feed the dog and allow it to live under the same roof, modifying the animal's behavior.

Although by nature the dog is carnivorous , today it is usually fed as if it were omnivorous . Many dogs eat the so-called balanced food or feed , which is produced industrially.

dog breeds

The senses

Smell and hearing are the most developed senses in the dog. Canines can detect sounds that are inaudible to humans, in addition to being able to distinguish aromas that appear in a concentration about one hundred million times smaller than those that people perceive. Thanks to these characteristics, dogs can help humans detect drugs or explosives through their sense of smell.

Added to these physical characteristics is their vision, which works in a quite different way from that of humans, since it allows them to more easily detect moving objects but makes them less effective in understanding those that are at rest. For example, a dog can distinguish a rabbit moving very quickly in a pasture even when a person sees nothing but grass, but ignore the presence of a cat that is motionless a few meters away from it, no matter how curious this may be. it turns out.


Many individuals have a dog as a pet.

As should happen to all living beings, dogs really enjoy contact with nature . The lucky ones who live in rural areas often develop their skills to limits that are difficult to imagine for city dogs: it is between trees, hills and green plains where the dog can make use of its senses and its incredible agility. The strength and endurance of this animal are also worthy of admiration, and on the asphalt they rarely become necessary.

Dogs and abuse

In the constant fight against animal abuse, which manifests itself in many regrettable forms, such as slaughter for industrial purposes and exploitation in the world of entertainment (in which we find bullfighting ), the dog plays a fundamental role: It is the animal that most moves our species and is often responsible for making us aware of how unfair we are towards others.

On the other hand, the dog seems to understand in a unique way those people who need special care and knows how to treat them with compassion, patience and affection that few human beings are capable of expressing. Dogs that accompany people with disabilities and victims of accidents that deprive them of their mobility or diseases that restrict certain aspects of their lives are the best nurses and ask nothing but love in return.

There are plenty of examples of peaceful coexistence between animals of different species, something that frequently occurs in animal sanctuaries: cats, dogs, crows, cows, foxes, pigs and sheep, among others, are capable of sharing the same space and learning. new languages.