Definition of


Latin is the language from which, etymologically speaking, the term permission that concerns us now is derived. Specifically, it emanates from the word “permissum”, which can be translated as “license to do something” and is made up of two clearly differentiated parts:

-The prefix “per-”, which indicates “completely”.

-The adjective “missum”, which is synonymous with “sent”.

It is an authorization that is obtained or granted to do a certain thing. For example: “Could you show me your permit to remain in this sector? It is a restricted area” , “I'm sorry, my dad didn't give me permission to go to the party” , “The mayor will grant a special permit so that street vendors who are not registered can work just as well” .

Within the military field it is very common to use the term permit. Specifically, it is used to refer to the authorization that, for example, a soldier is given by his superiors to leave the barracks for a few days.

PermissionThe notion of permission refers to a freedom granted to a person to carry out an activity or to stay or access a place. Permission can be granted orally (in an informal setting) or constituted as a document.

No less important is the driving license. This refers to the official document that accredits a person so that they can get behind the wheel of a car, van or any other type of vehicle. In each country, minimum requirements are established to obtain this certificate in terms of age, for example. Of course, it must be clear that in order to possess it, in addition to meeting these criteria, two tests must be passed: a multiple choice exam that is totally theoretical and the corresponding practices with its relevant exam.

Likewise, another of the many types of leaves that exist is maternity leave. This, as its name indicates, is what is given to any woman who has just given birth so that she can take care of her child at the same time without attending her job while receiving financial compensation for it. .

A child must ask his or her parents or legal guardians for permission to do certain things. If you intend to go play at a friend's house, or invite your friend to your own home, you must ask permission in this way. According to the family dynamic, it will be the mother, father or another adult who will be responsible for endorsing or rejecting the request.

In a legal or administrative setting, permits are usually presented as documentation . City authorities may decree that parking a vehicle on certain streets requires a permit. In this way, anyone who intends to use that public space to park their car will have to ask for the corresponding permit (which may be a piece of paper that must be carried in the car, a sticker that adheres to the windshield, etc. ).