Definition of



A slope is something that is in decline.

Pending is a term that has various uses and meanings. As an adjective, it can refer to something that is inclined or declining , to the matter that is about to be finished or resolved , and to someone who is attentive or concerned about something that is happening .

The first thing we are going to do before entering fully into the analysis of the term is to clearly establish its etymological origin. In this sense, we have to emphasize that this word comes from Latin and specifically from the verb pendere , which can be translated as "to hang" .

For example: "If you want to climb the mountain, you have to be very careful with the slope" , "Slope terrain is always a challenge when driving" , "I have a pending task at the office" , "Sport is a pending activity for me" , "When the president's speech began, there were more than a hundred people in the auditorium who were waiting for the statements" , "Are you looking for grandfather? He is in front of the television, waiting for the news about the pension increase .

Earring like jewel

The term pending can also be used as a masculine noun. In this case, it is about the jewelry that is worn hanging or the hanging earring or hoop : "My husband gave me a gold earring," "Micaela is worried because she can't find the earrings she used at the last party," "My daughter wants earrings for Christmas."

It is a type of jewel that has its origin in ancient times since it has already been discovered that during the Bronze Age , human beings used earrings of this type. In their case, they were used to decorate the nose, which today would be a piercing.


The hoop or hanging earring is called an earring.

The notion in heraldry and mathematics

In the same way, we should not overlook the fact that pendant is a term used in the field of heraldry . In its case, it is used to refer to the lower part that exists in the flags or in the various types of shields.

For mathematics , the slope is the inclination of an element (natural, ideal or constructive) with respect to the horizontal. The slope of a line is the degree of inclination . It can be positive (it is increasing since, as the values ​​of X increase, the values ​​of Y increase), negative (as the values ​​of constant line).

Pending subject

In addition to all this, we have to make clear the existence of a series of terms that also resort to the use of the word that concerns us now. This would be the case of the expression pending subject . It has two meanings. Thus, on the one hand, it refers to that subject that a student has not managed to pass and that leads him to have to appear for a new subsequent call to pass it.

On the other hand, the expression pending subject is also used to refer to any issue or question that still remains unresolved. An example of this meaning could be the following: "The Government of the country has the problem of unemployment as a pending issue."