Definition of


The concept of skin has several uses. In order to understand its meaning, we must know its etymological origin. Thus, we can say that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from "pelle", which can be translated as "skin".

The first meaning indicated by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the skin of an animal , especially if it has been removed from the body.

SkinSkin, therefore, can be used as a synonym for leather . It is the covering of meat or skin that has already been extracted, tanned and prepared for different uses .

Due to its properties, leather is used for multiple purposes. Thanks to its flexibility and resistance, it serves as raw material for making clothing , shoes , carpets and other products.

A vessel that enables the storage and transport of liquids is also called a skin or a wineskin . This element was very important in ancient times because it helped prevent spills and evaporation.

The skins, generally made of goat or sheep leather, were used to contain substances such as oil or wine . They could also hold water , milk and other fluids.

We must establish that the wine skin is one of the oldest containers that exist in history. And the fact is that humans have used it for thousands of years. A good example of this is that it was already used in Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece.

Nowadays it is used mainly during pilgrimages and festivals, as well as in wineries. It should also be noted that today it is completely handcrafted and is carried out by professionals who are specialised in tanning leather.

It is important to mention that in recent decades, many people have become aware of the cruelty involved in killing an animal for its skin. This is why there is a growing movement to discourage the use of leather.

The idea of ​​skin, on the other hand, can refer to human skin . In this case, two large layers are recognized: the epidermis (the superficial level) and the dermis . The subcutaneous tissue or hypodermis , meanwhile, is found beneath the dermis.

Finally, the skin or peel of certain vegetables and fruits is called skin. This skin can be edible or used in various ways.

Likewise, we cannot ignore the existence of a popular saying in Spain that uses the term in question. We are referring to the one that says: “The older you are, the more skin you have.” This does not mean that the older you are, the more sagging skin you have. Specifically, it is used to indicate that as a person gets older, they become more cunning, more “savory” and may even have more bad intentions.

Similarly, there is also the colloquial adverbial phrase “jugarse el pellejo” (play one’s skin). This can be translated as “risk one’s life.” An example would be: “Manuel likes to risk his skin by practicing extreme sports such as bungee jumping or skydiving.”