Definition of

Social pedagogy


Social pedagogy aims at educability for socialization.

From the ancient Greek paidagogós , pedagogy is a term that refers to the set of knowledge linked to education . Pedagogy can be considered as a science or an art whose object of study is the educational field.

Social , for its part, is that belonging to or related to society (the set of individuals who are part of the same culture and who make up a community through their interactions).

What is social pedagogy

The notion of social pedagogy , therefore, is linked to the science related to educability for socialization . Social pedagogues seek the social reintegration of those outside the system and work to satisfy the needs that are protected by human rights .

Social pedagogy is responsible for pedagogical intervention in social services for prevention , help and resocialization . Preventive action attempts to anticipate problems to prevent people from becoming dissocialized, help consists of assisting those who are at social risk, and resocialization strives for reintegration through the correction of deviant behavior.

Early childhood education

Early childhood education is one of the fields of action of social pedagogy.

Functions of professionals in this area

All of this determines that the professional who is called a social pedagogue is responsible for carrying out a very specific series of actions with which to achieve the objectives that he has set out to achieve in the area where he works. Specifically, its fundamental functions are the following:

• It is responsible for educating in values ​​such as respect and tolerance.

• Proceeds to carry out certain coordination actions so that the established objectives can be achieved, in which different groups and formations have a lot to do with.

• No less important is the fact that it proceeds to design and implement various projects and plans to achieve its goals.

• You must fundamentally negotiate with those you work to reach agreements that serve to move forward.

• It must also become an instrument for change to take place both in the people with whom we work and in society in general.

• It is vital that you be a person not only with great communication qualities but also with the necessary capacity so that those involved in your projects also do their part and collaborate.

Scope of social pedagogy

It should be noted that the social pedagogue can work in various areas, such as early childhood education, family assistance, work with adolescents, non-formal education for adults, care for the disabled and the work environment.

However, there are many other areas where social pedagogy also acts through its professionals. This would be the case of family assistance, sociocultural animation, environmental education, heritage management, cultural management or attention to all those populations that, due to certain circumstances, are considered to be in a situation of marginalization. .

The purpose of social pedagogy, in short, is education for living in society . The development of moral values ​​allows man to integrate into his culture and society, living in community.