Definition of



In some countries, the vehicle registration or plate is called a patent.

Patent is a term that comes from the Latin word patens , which means "manifest." The concept is used to refer to that which is visible, perceptible , clear or obvious . For example: "A patent violation of current regulations has been noticed," "The attacks of the invading army are evident in the rubble and ruins that appear at every step."

In Argentina and Uruguay , the patent is the plate or license plate that the vehicles carry and that allows their identification . The license plate consists of a combination of numbers and letters that must be legible, so that the authorities are able to detect who owns any vehicle they see passing on public roads. It is worth mentioning that it is mandatory that all cars circulate with this code, and that it is in good condition. As with other types of documentation, it is known that it is possible to acquire patents illegally .

The patent as a set of rights

A patent is, on the other hand, a set of exclusive rights that the State grants to an inventor for a certain period of time for the disclosure and exploitation of his invention. If someone wishes to use the patented technology , they must have the authorization of its owner; This information, as well as the registration and expiration date of the patent, is usually available to anyone.

The invention patent prevents plagiarism of creations and allows the inventor to benefit from the commercial distribution of his work. This measure not only guarantees the rights of inventors, but also promotes creativity and the publication of new ideas. In the case of an electronic product, for example, it is not necessary to have made a physical prototype of a creation, but rather the absolutely detailed documentation of the steps to follow for its construction, the characteristics of its operation and its maintenance is sufficient. .

When you want to patent a computer program or a video game , for example, there are various points to take into account, which polarize the perception of developers regarding the registration of intellectual property : there are those who consider it essential, and others who do not consider it essential. importance.


The invention patent protects the rights of creators.

From idea to product

One of the crucial issues is that in most countries in the world, it is not possible to register an idea , but the product itself. This scares many because, in other words, it is the same as saying that anyone can base themselves on the essence of their creation and make a very similar one, but with a bigger budget and a more prepared team of people.

Opposite to this fear is a well-known phrase within the programming community: " ideas cost a dollar ." This means that an idea alone is not enough, it is not representative of the final product; Many factors are necessary to bring it to reality and make it successful. It is worth mentioning that one of these ingredients is chance. Only when creativity is combined with well-focused effort, unwavering passion, a minimum of financial means and the luck of being at the right time and in the right place, great results are obtained.

Another point to consider when patenting an idea is the time that elapses from the presentation of the documents to the approval of the registration. Depending on the industry, it can take an average of six months but in some cases, much longer. Needless to say, the market does not wait, and sometimes it is better to risk being imitated than to wait too long before publishing a creation that may no longer have the same impact on the public as it did at the time of its conception.