Definition of



It is important to have the necessary income to meet the liabilities.

Passive is an adjective that comes from the Latin passivus and has various uses. A passive person is one who does not do things for himself, but rather lets others do the work . Passivity is an attitude opposed to commitment, constant action and the will to direct one's life and get involved with each and every one of its stages.

The passive subject is called, in this way, the person who receives the agent's action and who does not cooperate with it. Let's look at an example sentence: "We believe that the accused is passively responsible for the situation since, although he did not have a harmful intention, his actions in this regard cannot be ignored."

Passive voice vs. active voice

From a linguistic point of view, the passive voice allows the subject to be placed as the recipient of the action, which is carried out by the so-called agent complement , unlike what happens in active sentences. While in the active voice it is said " The architect Antoni Gaudí designed the monument of the Sagrada Familia ", its passive form is " The monument of the Sagrada Familia was designed by the architect Antoni Gaudí ".

The verb « design » is transitive, which is why it needs a direct object to complete its meaning : the sentence « Gaudí designed « makes no sense, while « Gaudí designed a building » is perfectly understandable. Regarding this verbal classification, the passive voice transforms these verbs into intransitives, leaving room for only one possible argument: the agent complement.

Although Spanish allows exclusively transitive verbs when constructing a sentence in the passive voice, there are a few verbs belonging to this classification that are not compatible with this mode of expression; For example, "have" and "have" are never part of passive phrases, such as " the car was owned by my father " or " the house was owned ."

Different modes

It is worth mentioning that the passive voice mentioned so far is known as analytical and is constructed with the verb to be plus the participle of the main verb of the active voice . Its use is not very common in oral language, unlike the reflex passive voice (also called passive with "se" ), which can be formed from any type of verb, whether transitive or intransitive.

Basically, the subject must be in the third person singular or plural and agree with the verb; for example: « looking for a cook «, « giving away tickets «. The impersonal form, on the other hand, has no subject, which is why the verb must always be singular: " the victim(s) will be compensated ."


Accounts payable, which are debts to suppliers, are part of liabilities.

Liabilities as pension and as debt

The pension or asset that some people receive thanks to the services they provided in the past or the right that they earned and that was transmitted to them is known as a liability. Those who receive retirements and pensions, therefore, are usually mentioned as the passive class (since they do not generate direct contributions to the productive activity of a country ).

For accounting , liabilities are the monetary value of the debts, obligations and commitments that burden a person, a company or an institution . Liabilities, like assets, are reflected in the balance sheet .

economic indicator

Solvency, which reflects the link between assets and liabilities, is one of the most important economic indicators in financial analysis .

Classification according to type

While what is owned constitutes the asset , what is owed is the liability . In addition, net worth must be considered as the financial resources that a company has. In this framework, to calculate a company's liabilities you must take its assets and subtract its net worth.

It is possible to differentiate between current liabilities (short-term obligations, maturing in less than one year) and non-current liabilities (long-term obligations, maturing in more than one year). As can be seen, liabilities are a very important concept in corporate finance since debt is key to the financial state.

Typically, the liabilities must be paid to creditors in installments and with interest. When loans or credits are requested in search of financing, the money actually received must be returned plus interest within the agreed period.

Other uses of the term passive

The notion of passive is also used in sexuality to mention the person who, in a homosexual relationship, is penetrated by the other subject. The role of the passive individual is usually submissive during the sexual relationship, a behavior that can extend to other spheres of life as a couple.

It is interesting to note, finally, that in everyday speech many people often confuse the term passive with peaceful , probably due to their orthographic or sound similarity. In this way, calm individuals, who do not generate arguments or who do not allow themselves to be altered by them, are mistakenly called passive.