Definition of

Historical past

9/11 attacks

The attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States are part of the historical past.

The past is a time that has already passed . It is a term that has its etymological origin in Latin, specifically in the verb passare which, in turn, emanates from the noun passus , which can be translated as "step."

Historical , meanwhile, is that linked to history : the exposition and explanation of events from the past that are worth remembering and narrating. Historical has its etymological origin in Greek and is the result of the union of the word history , which is synonymous with "tales of the wise", and the suffix -ico , which is used to indicate "relative to".

Historical past concept

As can be seen, the notion of the past is very broad since, in a general sense, it encompasses everything that happened. The idea of ​​the historical past , in this framework, refers specifically to the events of which there is a record and which are of interest to historians .

Among the most important events that can be included within the so-called historical past, we must highlight some such as the following:

-The fall of the Berlin Wall , which took place on November 9, 1989 . A wall that for 28 years had kept the population of Germany separated in two.

-The arrival of man to the Moon . Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong along with his companions, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin , were the first men to set foot on the surface of the Moon. They did it in 1969 .

-The attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States . Some 3,000 people died as a result of several Al Qaeda terrorists hijacking several passenger planes and crashing them into the World Trade Center towers.

Relationship with the present

The historical past does not appear in the present : it can only be inferred through detailed analysis of its vestiges . This is a conclusion reached after historical research .

It is usually stated that those features of the past that subsist can be decomposed into characteristic elements that, due to their value, stand as evidence for the development of inferences about that past time. This is how the historical past that history experts study and describe arises (understanding history as the scientific discipline focused, precisely, on the study of the past).


The historical past brings together events that are of interest to historians.

The construction of the historical past

The interrelation of historical events that follow each other and that are linked by the historian constructs the historical past. The practical past , on the other hand, is a set of symbols that remain in memory .

While the historical past is the object of study of historians , who approach it objectively to understand and explain it, the practical past brings together examples and ideals that, at a social level, seek to repeat or reproduce in the present.

There are numerous works that use the term in question in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of the book “Andalusia, our historical past” . It was written by Antonio García Benítez and was published in 1992 .