Definition of


Give birth

Childbirth marks the end of pregnancy and the birth of a baby.

Childbirth is the process and result of giving birth (giving birth). Therefore, it marks the end of a pregnancy and the birth of the creature that was generated in its mother's womb .

For example: "The labor lasted seven hours," "It was a complicated birth because the baby was tangled in the umbilical cord," "The singer's mother died during childbirth."

The etymological origin of the term is found in Latin. Specifically, it derives from partus , participle of the verb parere .

Childbirth, the beginning of life

It could be said that childbirth marks the beginning of an individual's life . From birth, after all, the years that a person lives begin to be counted (the date of birth, in fact, is the birthday ). However, depending on the philosophical or religious conception considered, there are those who maintain that life begins before childbirth.

In the case of human beings, when childbirth occurs naturally, the process begins with a widening of the cervix. The baby then begins to descend until it is delivered, when it leaves its mother 's body through the vagina.


Childbirth can develop in different ways.

Beyond the natural

Another possibility is that labor occurs inducedly, through surgical intervention in the mother's abdominal region. In this case, the delivery is called a cesarean section and allows possible health problems for the mother or child to be minimized.

In the same way, we cannot forget that there is also the so-called instrumental birth . This occurs when, due to different circumstances, the baby has difficulties being born. For this reason, medical professionals make the decision to help you using different utensils such as suction cups, forceps or spatulas.

home birth

It should also be noted that more and more women are making the decision to give birth to their children naturally, but in their own home. And that brings with it certain benefits, although also serious risks. Among the advantages the following stand out:

  • The mother experiences the support and warmth of all her loved ones.
  • Absolutely personalized attention is offered.
  • The woman has less stress and anguish because she is in her own home, surrounded by her family and with the assistance she needs.
  • The mother chooses whether she wants to give birth sitting, in bed, in the bathtub...
  • The father actively participates at all times.

Other possibilities

Furthermore, we must not forget that there are various types of childbirth that are increasingly in demand:

  • Water birth , which makes the baby's transition into this world easier and reduces the pain experienced by the mother.
  • Bradley childbirth , which is identified by the active role that the father has. And he not only helps the mother with relaxation techniques but also performs massages.

Birth as a conjugation of parting

It should be noted that parting is also a conjugation of the verb part (to separate or divide something; to go to another place).

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