Definition of



A partition is a division.

Participation is a term that comes from the Latin word partitĭo and that allows us to name the division or distribution of something . The verb split refers to dividing, breaking, fracturing or even sharing, depending on the context.

For mathematics , a partition is a covering in which the subsets that belong to the same family are disjoint (their intersection, in pairs, is empty). The covering, for its part, refers to a collection of subsets A of a set X : that is, the collection of said subsets is a covering of X.

In number theory, the partition of a positive integer is the form of decomposition as the sum of other positive integers. For example: the participation of 4 is 3+1 , 2+2 , 2+1+1 and 1+1+1+1 .

Partition in computing

Another use of the partition concept takes place in computing . The partition is the name given to the divisions of a physical data storage unit . Operating systems usually interpret each partition of a hard disk as an independent disk, even when they are virtual divisions of the same physical unit.

In addition to all this, it is interesting to emphasize the fact that there are basically three different types of disk partitions. Thus, on the one hand, there is the primary one , which is recognized by the operating system, which assigns each division a unit and which is one of the most frequent in the computing field.

On the other hand, in second place, there is the logical partition , which is that division of the disk that can exist up to a maximum number of twenty-three within it. And thirdly, there would be the extended division , which is also known as secondary division .

We have to emphasize that the latter can only exist on a disk in a unique way and that it is defined because it does not have the capacity to directly support what would be a specific file system.

Among the advantages of working with partitions is the possibility of making backup copies of data in different partitions of the same disk and the installation of two operating systems on the same computer .

hard drive

The idea of ​​partition is used in computing.

The concept in law

In law , finally, partition is the attribution to the heirs of their corresponding part of an inheritance consisting of specific assets . Before partition, the heirs do not have ownership over the assets of the inheritance, but rather maintain an abstract share of it.

Once the aforementioned division of the inheritance has occurred, it must be clear that two fundamental things happen: that what would be the hereditary community comes to an end and that each co-heir has to face the obligation to clean up everything that has corresponded.

It is also important to know that there are another series of actions that are equally important in terms of partition. These are operations such as the dissolution of what would be a community property; liquidation; the inventory of relevant assets; or the adjudication of the effects that correspond to each of the co-heirs.