Definition of



A parish is a temple.

Parish is a term that comes from the Latin parochĭa and has its most distant antecedent in a Greek word. It can be used in the religious sphere to name the temple where spiritual care is provided to believers and the administration of the sacraments is carried out. The concept also allows reference to the community of faithful and the territorial region that depends on a certain spiritual jurisdiction.

For example: "My grandmother visits the parish every morning and thanks God," "The priest from the neighborhood parish is collecting non-perishable food to donate to the earthquake victims," ​​"The parish opens its doors first thing in the morning." the morning so that the needy people can have breakfast" , "My daughter will take communion in the parish of her school" .

Parishes in Spain

In the case of Spain , among the most beautiful and significant parishes is the Church of San Pedro de la Nave, which is located in the Zamora town of El Campillo . This temple is of Visigoth style and was built at the end of the 7th century and has been classified as Historical Heritage .

One of the latest examples of the aforementioned type of art is this construction, which has among its main hallmarks the fact that a total of thirteen stonework marks of great symbolism and value have been recognized.

However, we should not overlook in said country the existence of the Parish of San Miguel de Lillo , which has not only become one of the greatest exponents of the list of Monuments of Oviedo and the Kingdom of Asturias but is also has been incorporated into what is the World Heritage Site .

This pre-Romanesque church is dedicated to the figure of Saint Michael the Archangel and was built in the first half of the 9th century following the order given by the then King Ramiro I. It is worth highlighting the exquisiteness of its decoration as well as another series of elements of great beauty, such as its vaults.

religious building

Parishes can have different characteristics.

A political or administrative subdivision

In some countries, a parish is a political or administrative subdivision within the national territory , such as a province or a state . This is usually a low-ranking territorial unit.

"The inhabitants of the parish have complained to the authorities about the overflowing of the stream", "It is a parish that has a developed transportation infrastructure" y "The parish administration plans to raise local taxes" son expresiones que muestran este uso.

Other uses of the term parish

We can highlight the existence of a verbal phrase that is used with some frequency in some regions: "comply with the parish" . With it, what is expressed is that someone complies with the Church, that is, that they agree with its beliefs and in its different offices.

In everyday language, finally, those who regularly attend the same public place, bar or similar are known as parishioners : "The parishioners became concerned when an unknown woman entered the place and approached the bar," "Manuel spends all the nights in the bar on the corner: it's their parish» , «At that time of night, only the parishioners were in the store» .