Definition of

narrative paragraph


A narrative paragraph tells a situation.

The first step that must be taken before determining the meaning of the term narrative paragraph is to establish the etymological origin of the words that give it shape:

Paragraph derives from Greek. Specifically, it emanates from "paragraphos", which is the result of the sum of two components: "para", which can be translated as "together", and "grapho", which is synonymous with "I write".

Narrative, for its part, comes from Latin. "narrativus" is the word from which this is derived, which is composed of the verb "narrare", which is equivalent to "tell", and the suffix "-tivo", which is used to indicate a passive or active relationship.

What is a narrative paragraph

A text is usually divided into several paragraphs , which are the fragments delimited by a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end. Within the paragraphs, it is possible to find different sentences .

Narrative , for its part, is an adjective that comes from the Latin narratīvus and is linked to narration. This word can refer to a genre of literature (made up of short stories and novels) and the result of narrating (telling something).

A narrative paragraph , therefore, is one that tells a situation . It is usually a successive enumeration of facts, generally ordered chronologically.

Main features

In addition to all of the above, experts agree that it is essential that every narrative paragraph, in order for it to be considered optimal and perform its function correctly, have a series of essential characteristics:

-It has to be very clear.

-It is essential that, in the same way, it be descriptive.

-Of course, it is also essential that it helps advance the story.

young man reading

Description is a key component of a narrative paragraph.

How to write a narrative paragraph

In order to prepare a paragraph of this type, it is recommended to follow a series of tips:

-The first and essential thing is to decide on a specific perspective.

-On the other hand, it is necessary that the relevant figure of the narrator be created and that the corresponding personality be granted.

-No less important is choosing a specific scenario in which the action takes place.

-Then it is also essential to be clear that the smallest number of words possible should be used.

Some examples

«When he opened the door, Harry found his house in disarray. The detective was not surprised, as he knew he had been followed. For this reason, he decided to enter stealthily: he wanted to be prepared in case the invader was still there. After exploring every corner of the house, he confirmed that he was alone. Then he picked up the phone and dialed the mayor's number. "I wanted to update you on the situation.".

As can be seen in the previous example, the narrative paragraph recounts various events: Harry opens the door, discovers that someone had been in his house, checks the rooms and finally calls the mayor.

A narrative paragraph can also be developed in the first person:

«I saw him walking through the park and recognized him instantly. At first I hesitated, but then I made up my mind and went to face it. I touched him on the shoulder and, when he turned around, I looked him straight in the eyes, without speaking. Of course, he also recognized me right away. Maybe that's why he managed to try to escape, although I managed to hold him back. "I took him by the arm and forcibly took him to a secluded area, where I could demand that he tell me the truth without any witnesses."